
Just found out pregnant and donated blood?

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I'm a bit worried because you're not supposed to donate if you're pregnant. I donated last week and just found out yesterday that we're expecting again.

I'm worried that I might have done something wrong. I'm calling my OBGyn in the morning, but until then I'm hoping to find some reassurance.




  1. your fine your body is making a ton of extra blood right now any way so it will just make a extra pint lol

    seriously it's ok just don't do it again ( you know that )

  2. you should be fine my friend also donated blood about a week before she found out she was expecting and delivered a beautiful baby boy. congrats!

  3. If you're early on and didn't donate more than the usual, you should be fine.  Your body will adjust to produce a larger blood volume anyway; just stay well hydrated and eat well, and you should be OK.

  4. They took an awful lot of blood from my wife while she was in the early stages of pregnancy for dianosis, so I can't imagine that a pint is going to do too much. So many of these "scare the moms" labels are just precautionary. I wouldn't suggest it, but drink plenty of fluids and I think you'll be fine. Much of your blood volume is made up pretty quickly. Congratulations!

  5. You'll be alright. As long as you feel fine i'm sure nothings wrong.

  6. I did the same thing, everything will be fine just dont do it again now that you know, youll need the blood for all the tests theyll do over the next few months

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