
Just going to throw this out there...?

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I had gone to my doctors today he diagnosed me with Mono, however there was no blood test...

It started out two weeks ago with sneezing, then coughing, congestion, then it turned into a sore throat... the chills .. fever... loss of appetite because of being sick...

my doctor diagnosed me told me i had mono... however there was no blood test.. my spleen doesnt hurt... i'm not too sure if its really mono or not... could i have been misdiagnosed? i dont seem tired enough... can anyone help??




  1. You bet you could have been misdiagnosed because there are several conditions that mimic mono.  You could have a virus, strep throat, chronic fatigue which includes sore throat, etc.  The only way to tell if you have mono is through a blood test which includes an antibody test.

    Most of the time we know our bodies much better than our doctors and we seem to know when something is really wrong.  I would go back for the blood work and next time insist on it because you are the one paying the bills.

  2. You don't need a blood test to diagnose it, they also do a mouth swab. Did he swab you? I don't think he would diagnose you unless he tested you, that would be really irresponsible of him. If you really feel fine, get a second opinion. Sometimes the tiredness doesn't hit until later though, and you may not get as tired as some people say you do. When I had mono I still was able to stay awake during the day, I just didn't feel well enough to go to school.  

  3. go get another opinion before something happens.  i dont think it is mono.

  4. Mono has many symptoms. The doctor probably asked about what you have been doing lately. People who do not get enough rest and do not take care of themselves tend to get mono. He may have diagnosed it from your history. Unless your symptoms get worse, I would just get lots of rest and take care of yourself and you should get to feeling better.

  5. a blood test would confirm it. he is only making a diagnoses.  

  6. i think it is mono because of the symptoms not everyone is gonna get ll of the symptoms and if u dont believe your doctor go to another doctor that has a profeesion in that category

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