
Just got AF 13dpo :( So horribly upset...again...?

by Guest59090  |  earlier

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So i was so hopeful but now I am just totally depressed. I showed up at my husbands work to see him for lunch and i couldnt stop crying :( I dont get today has been 1 year since we lost our baby(22 weeks fetal defects had tohave surg. abortion)...I though by now we would have a baby... I thank GOd for my health and my family and my husband and for all of you that are so supportive and I am going to keep of trucking(and charting) and praying once again. Good luck everyone and baby dust to you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!





  1. I feel so bad for you.  I too am suffering a loss right now.  I gave birth to my daughter in Nov. '07, but she died after 31 days to a congenital heart defect in Dec. '07.  Now, I am going through my 3rd miscarriage (2 before my daughter and 3rd right now) and am trying not to lose hope.  Everyone tells me to keep my spirits up, so I will pass it on to you.  Keep the hope.  There is a reason for everything.  We may not ever know why, but there is.  I feel now that my daughter died after I got to hold her, kiss her, smell her, that a miscarriage is to save you from the horrible grief of losing a child that has been in your arms.  Not that a miscarriage is easy, I know it's not (had 3 of them now), but losing a child after it's born and you think for a few days that it's healthy, is much worse.

    Baby dust to you!  It will happen when it's time.  :)

  2. Gosh have every reason to be emotionally wrecked right now. I had one miscarriage on Clomid and between the two I literally went into a very depressed sad state. I can only imagine how you are coping. I know people dont like to hear this, but would counseling help. I know that when I sought someone out to speak with, I felt at least hopeful again which might help as your are trying to conceive. Believe me, I know that there is much more that goes into conception that your mental state, but it might aid in your own well being. That wasnt my point though, that you should go to counseling. My point was only that you have every right to be emotionally riding this roller coaster. Do you have any other children yet or is this your first? I worried I would never know what it was like to be a mom. But I am one now and LOTS of my fertility friends are as well. My fertility specialist would say AT LEAST you can get pregnant. That puts you ina  totally different category. Some women never even get pregnant which means you will likely have a healthy baby soon. I am sure you would like it to be sooner. I know your position and I hope you hang in there and give yourself permission to feel bad.!!!!

  3. I'm so very sorry for your loss, and your AF arrival.  Try to keep your chin up...sticky baby dust to you, and to all of us!

  4. Darn that AF!!  I'm also very sorry for your loss last year. You are doing everything right! Try to stay positive(which I know is difficult..) and think of this next cycle as another opportunity!  Good luck! Lots of Baby dust!

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