Ok, this past month I had my progesterone levels drawn (about 3 weeks ago) and my levels were 0.6. So my doctor told me I didn't ovulate. I am over a week late for my period so I decided to take a test this morning and I took the clear blue digital test and it says pregnant. I have been feeling light cramps (like I was about to start, but never did) and I have very light pain on my left ovary. I'm very excited (TTC), but also nervous b/c my progesterone levels were so low. Does that have anything to do with my pregnancy? Also, I have no symptoms! That kinda worries me too. Although, I haven't been paying much attention because this is my very first year to teach!!! So, I have been extremely busy!!! I'm going to take another test in a few hours. Please, any advice would be great.