
Just got BFP! Need some help!!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, this past month I had my progesterone levels drawn (about 3 weeks ago) and my levels were 0.6. So my doctor told me I didn't ovulate. I am over a week late for my period so I decided to take a test this morning and I took the clear blue digital test and it says pregnant. I have been feeling light cramps (like I was about to start, but never did) and I have very light pain on my left ovary. I'm very excited (TTC), but also nervous b/c my progesterone levels were so low. Does that have anything to do with my pregnancy? Also, I have no symptoms! That kinda worries me too. Although, I haven't been paying much attention because this is my very first year to teach!!! So, I have been extremely busy!!! I'm going to take another test in a few hours. Please, any advice would be great.




  1. Call your doctor this morning and book a blood test to confirm the pregnancy and recheck your progesterone levels. He might want to put you on a supplement if the progesterone levels are low, but also the pregnancy might have jump-started your body into making more progesterone, so it might not be necessary. But you're right to ask about this; your baby needs the progesterone from your body until the placenta is formed. Many congratulations and have a great 9 months!

  2. Well, you said you did the progestrone level 3 weeks ago... Maybe you ovulated afterwards??  If not, then you should get into the dr ASAP because with low progestrone, the likelyhood of MC is high.  Most likely, your dr will give you a little pill/suppository you place in your v****a on a daily basis.  Its not fun, but you only have to do it for a little while and of course, its well worth it to have your happy and healthy baby,

    Congrats on the + !!  Now please, get in to the Dr ;)

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