
Just got a 3-4wk old kitten that was abandoned. She's constantly meowing even when fed/pooped/played with, y?

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Just got a 3-4wk old kitten that was abandoned. She's constantly meowing even when fed/pooped/played with, y?




  1. If you plan on keeping the kittie, does it live inside or outside? It could be crying because it wants in. Feed it good, and buy it catnip. They love the balls. And, take it to a vet in time, and let them check it out.

  2. Well, we got my cat at easter and it still meowing like a idiot!

    maybe its just lonely or likes the sound of its meowing or maybe just bored!

  3. If she really is only 3-4 weeks old, she really might need to still have a bottle with kitten formula because kittens generally aren't weaned from mom until they are six weeks old. However if she really is getting enough to eat you just have a very vocal cat that likes to make noise.

  4. this kitty just needs alot of tlc.Get a big fluffy towel or blanket and wrap her in it,and that might help with her meowing some.Warm milk might even help(if you haven't tried that one yet).She just needs to hear your calm sweet voice to help sooth her and let her know shw is wanted.Lots of good luck

  5. Your orphan kitten is feeling insecure. Also, please make sure your young kitten is warm enough. Newborn cannot regulate their body heat so it is very important to keep them warm. You can fill a bottle with hot water, wrap a towel around it and place it in the nesting box. Or, you can use some uncooked rice, fill it into a sock, and zap it in the microwave for about 30 seconds. Make sure to check the temperature so it is not too hot and can burn the delicate kitten.

    Another tip that I can share with you is to place an analog clock which ticks into his nesting box to mimic the mom's heart beat. Make sure you wrap the clock in a towel or place it inside an old sock. This will help calm baby kitten who misses his mom.

    To learn more, please visit the links provided:-

    Good Luck and thank you for taking care of the kitten.

  6. try jus holding her and petting her

  7. when kittens are very little they need constant attention or else they meow and get all upset just let your kitty know your there and hold her and pet her, she will eventually calm down and stop meowing all the time once she gets settled in and used to her environment

  8. she is scared, just like when you pick one up from the mommy and hold it, they cry out for mommy..

    they normally have mommy clean thier butts too so they will cry to say clean me...

    it was a bit too young to be taken from mommy..

    and you may see it try to nurse on you..your shirt or hair..blankets..even as a adult those needs stick with them.

  9. she misses her mommy, and now is looking to you to be her mom, just pick her up, and love on her, she is just scared, this will pass in a couple of weeks, but for now, she wants to be close to you, she trusts you and loves you already, congratulations, you are now "owned"  

  10. put a toy cat beside the kitten it misses its mummy!

    any type of cat will do! I used a tiger for my cat when he arrived as a kitten.

  11. It still need it's mum & sibling for comfort.

    Give her a soft toy to cuddle in her usual sleeping place.

    Even at 7 weeks, when most kittens are homed, they can still feel very in-secured in new surrounding.

  12. If there is a stuffed animal in your home that could get your kitten to think it's mommy, put it by her now!!!  

  13. Cat's are like people. Some of them just like the sound of their own voice.

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