
Just got a Bill for 35,000 from Kaiser?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, I had Kaiser HMO last year, my wife passed away in OCT. She had a period of illness of about 2 months, going in an out of the hospital, We had Kaiser during this time. Anyway she was always at Kaiser hospitals , was at one when she passed, After the treatment or lack there of I changed my insurance through my work at the 1st of the year, NOW I check my mail today and I have a bill for 35,000 for the week she died and No explanation as to why . I keep calling their billing dept and being put on hold forever! What might this be about? and there is NO way I can pay 35,000 I had to take a loan out to pay for the funeral.




  1. Sorry to hear of your loss.  But don't waste your time on phone calls.  Everything should be in writing.  Send them a certified letter demanding validation of the charges and a DETAILED itemization.  Once you get that, you'll know better what to do next.

  2. OK, so, you're not being clear.  She had Kaiser coverage, and they sent her a bill, and you don't know what it's for.  

    You really need to call customer service - the number on the back of your card - to get an explanation.  No one here will be able to tell you what the bill is for.  

    If you didn't guarantee payment, AND you don't live in a community property state, you might not owe this at all (assuming she had no estate).  Again, no one here can tell you that, as we have no idea where you are, or what the circumstances of her estate are.

    You're going to have to take some time and call Kaiser, and just sit on hold for a half day or so.  There's no short cut to this.

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