
Just got a Chinchilla, need to think of a name. Any ideas?

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His number at the farm was 77. So I thuoght of naming him Bond (Our friends got a female that had a number 66) and we thought of mating them later on. My girlfriend doesnt like the name Bond, any other ideas? The one we choose of course will get "Best Answer" :)




  1. He should have a Spanish name, shouldn't he?

    Maybe "Andres" or "Francisco" or even "Rafael."  

  2. I had a boy chinchilla and named him Henry! He was great, its a cute classy name.

  3. Mac, FudgeNut, Rover, Red, Knoxy, Dot, Dox, Doxin, Donovan, Jeremiah, Benji, Jester, Jasper, Fray, Flea, Van, Ray, Tanner, Perry.

    Thats about all i got. Hope i helped you out! And have fun with your chinchilla! Cheers! :)

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