
Just got a Gateway m-6320 laptop and i wanted a graphics card. whats better Ati or nvidia?

by Guest63264  |  earlier

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Just asking cause the x3100 just doesnt cut out to play games and i was just wondering which one is better. and please the card has to work cause i dont want to buy something that doesnt work im relying on your answers and i have no spending limit. ThanX :)




  1. 1.GOOD.u didn't get a Dell.

    2.nvidia.(trust me.)

  2. Nvidia has been haveing issues with their mobile graphics chipsets as of late. ATI's line of mobile graphics processors are currently a little bit more reliable and stable than NVIDIA, the may not b quite as fast, but certainly fast enough for most things.

    BUT.............Changing a laptop graphics card is not an easy thing to do. the hardest part is finding a supplier of mobile graphics, because you certainly wont find any in stores.   The next is making sure that your laptop has good enough airflow and fans to cool the more powerful processor. Your laptop may be new, but its cooling was designed for a different graphics card...........and finally, installation is not easy, depending on the motherboard, you may be able to just pop the new card in the MINI-PCIE slot, otherwise your kinda screwed.  also youve got to tear the computer apart just to get to where the slot is, or is not.

    Best advice, be content with what you have until you can get a new machine, becaue that upgrade is not worth the hassle (for most people)

  3. you are going to have a hard time getting a new graphics card into a laptop. laptops are just hard too upgrade and you might not even have enough space to fit one if you can find one and somehow figure out how one might install a new graphics card in a laptop. the answer i suppose is that it is not particularly feasible.

  4. Graphic card is part of mother board ,,,how you want to replace it,you do not take a new laptop apart ,it will go out of warranty ,if you are not happy with graphic just change the laptop ,get something stronger ,look at Alianware or Dell XPS models,,in reality laptops are not made to play game with they do not have capacity ,you might be able to play some of the games or some on-line games ,but graphic and sound will always be the problem,

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