
Just got a Kiko Goat Doeling?

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Okay so this guy in North Dakota has goats and i got a doeling but like she doesn't like me that much cause she is lonely so then their is this other guy who has a female kiko but she is older. and i am getting her so mine won't be SO lonely but how can i take the one for a walk (without her trying to run or me dragging her back to the barn)? and like how can i tell what poisounous plants are in my area? any goat books? goat supplies? tips? stuff just to help me with my goat.




  1. Oh congratulations on your new little darling.. yes i would get another goat. Goats are herd animals (as this has been stated). and enjoy the company of each other. Animal Crackers are fantastic treats for goats. I have about 30. And have bred for almost 3 years. She should have hay free choice at all times. I would let her settle down a little bit before i take her for walks. just handle her daily. and she will calm down

    If you have any other questions

    email me at

    Bryan Bare

    FoxFire Nubians and LaManchas


    There are so many.  I don't really like to take my goats for walks especially when they are young and just weaned.  It is a lot of stress and if your neighborhood is like mine, there are a lot of loose dogs running around who will harm your goat.  What we do to help them settle in is to keep them in a smaller pen preferably in a barn or covered area during the night, visit them before youI go to bed, read to them, lay with them, play soothing music to them.  Just get them used to you and the comfort you provide so they will trust you.  Goats are herd animals and want someone to spend time with and if you take that opportunity, they will respond.  We even bring them in the house and let them lay with us and watch TV. (IF you hold them  in you lap, they won't go potty.  When they wiggle or stand up, put them ouside)  When they trust you, they will follow you around like a dog.  

    After the goat is more socialized to you, then you can walk it.  You will have to learn how to control the goat, like the placement of the collar in relation to the goats head.  You can also reach down and grab their head and pull it to your chest when they are going too fast.  This will give you more control and the goat will slow down.  

    Hope you enjoy your little darlings.

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