
Just got a Netherland Dwarf?

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I just got a Netherland Dwarf. Any tips on caring for them and bonding with them? I have a female. Which are usually nicer males or females?

Thanks in advance!




  1. Netherland Dwarf... what a great name for a band.

  2. keep it in a cage in your room, and try to spend time with it every day! I have a male and have learned that they are more curious!!

  3. I had a Netherland Dwarf for about 8 years and I loved her so much.  Make sure your rabbit always has fresh food and water and a clean cage.  For treats my rabbit liked to eat carrots, apples without the skin, and she also actually would eat plain cheerios as well.  You shouldn't give your rabbit lettuce.  

    Also make sure you brush her.  I would also give my rabbits occasional baths - the pet store sold bunny shampoo that could be used.  Just make sure to wash all of the shampoo off if you do this and keep it out of her eyes.  You will want to keep the nails trimmed, because if they get too long and break then they will start to bleed.  When cutting them, you will want to make sure you don't cut them too short (cut below the vein), but if you accidentally do, you will want to make sure you stop the bleeding by applying a towel to it and staying with your rabbit until it has stopped.    

    I would also sometimes take my rabbit out in my yard on a leash so she could eat grass.  You just do not want to do this if any fertilizer is on the grass, because this would not be good for them.


  4. I've heard that males are calmer, but I have a female dwarf mix and I love her to death :)

    Okay here we go with the bonding

    -Spend at LEAST an hour a day with her, since she is new she'll need a lot of time to get used to you and the more daily the better.

    -Get or make pen of some sort I made my rabbit a run out of a connecting wire cube shelving unit

    -lay down in the pen with here. Getting down to her level is a great way to build up a relationship instead of looming over her like some sort of predator.

    -DO NOT CHASE HER AROUND TO PET HER. I cannot stress this enough. That will just make her think of you as an enemy or someone to get away from. Let her come to you and when she does have some sort of treat ready (My bunny loves parsley and thinly sliced carrots)

    -Don't try and pick her up. Most rabbits don't like this anyways and if she struggles to get away and you drop her this could break your trust right of the bat.

    -Pet her on her forehead. this is the safest place because the rabbit will see you coming and know what you're doing the whole time

    Have fun with your new bunny! I hope she turns into a great friend for you :)

  5. Spend lots of time with her and pick her up to cuddle her.

    Buy her some treats she will love them and a brush to make her fur all soft and clean. And make sure you get her a salt stone to chew on, which will help to keep her teeth nice and short, this will also help prevent dental problems in the future (hopefully your rabbit doesn't get any).

    I've found females to be nicer and i have always had female rabbits myself.

    Hope this helps

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