
Just got a Tattoo, my 2nd

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With my first tattoo, it looked ''neat'' when it was healing up... yes, i did the bad thing my picking at it, but still very pleased with how it looks like now . Anyways, I just got my second about 4 days ago. I got it at a clean , professional etc place... Now it is starting to peel a bit, just like my first, I use Tattoo cream everyday and with my best efforts haven't scratched or picked at it no matter what ( Hands tied)

There is a big difference in this one though, it looks like there is Ink smudges around the lines ( Its a tribal design) Ive just used a wet towel to see if its just left over ink that hasn't washed off, but it doest go away ( I'm not rubbing too hard either, just in case)

Does any one know what this is? Is it a c**p Tattoo or just some left over inkage?

Thanks in advance for your help




  1. I think you should wait a little longer before you worry. Let the scabs fall off, and keep doing what you are doing. If you are still concerned after you have had it for 2 weeks, go back to the shop and ask the artist.

  2. i have 3 tattoos and i have never experienced anything like that! it sounds like you might have a crappy tattoo there hun!  

  3. I just asked my stepdad for you seen as he has 9 tattoos lol but yeah its sometimes normal he said it should go back to normal soon but keep cleaning it. Its kinda putting me off having mine done in a week lol Hope my stepdad helped you hun x*x

  4. you should wait until it is completely healed to worry. it hasn't happened to me, but i've heard about people's tats getting a bit smudgy looking while healing, then going back and been perfectly fine. i don't know what would cause that, maybe different skin types handle the ink differently. you said it didn't happen to your other one, but skin on the same person but different parts of the body are different. just keep taking care of it, and when it is fully healed you can safely determine if it is alright or a c**p tat.

  5. 1) Try apply a lot of E45 cream to help with the healing/itching - it's really really good

    2) Wait until it heals completely and see what it looks like then, there is no real reason that the ink should have 'bleed' like that, but it did happen to a friend once, but once the area had healed completely the tattoo was fine and the outline solid again (never figured out why)

    3) If it is still the same once it's healed then either go back to the tat artist who will fix if for free OR if you don't trust him to do a good enough job try going to another artist (maybe the person who did your first is possible? or ask around friends etc and see if  anybody can recommend somebody) and see if they can fix it up for you, although you would have to pay for that.

    Good luck and well done for not picking at the scabs so far :)

  6. Sorry hun, never expeirianced this before...

    I think its generally a c**p tattoo, but to be sure wait till its fully healed then look at it.

    If it is a piece of S**t go back to the tattooist and he will fix it for free.


  7. Thats basically ink thats in the upper layers of skin, you have to wait unitl it heels to see the true tattoo, so about a month. That upper layer of skin will fall off, you just didn't see it before because you picked that skin off and were therefore picking off the skin with the extra ink!

    So don't worry, if it looked good when you first got it it will return to that, so most likely not a c**p tattoo (though always the chance i guess).. Just some leftover inkage!

  8. The same happend to sumone i know, her tattoo went all smudgey but in a few days it cleared up and went back to normal. Ther sud be no reason for the ink to bleed into other parts of your skin. Just keep it clean, maybe try using sum bepanthen *nappy rash cream*

    If ure really un sure go back to your tattooist


  9. im afraid to say it doesnt sound too good, thats usually a sign of an unsteady hand did your ink, but it may just be the way you are healing, leave it a week or two as theres nothing you can do for now anyways and see how it looks. if it is badly done go to see another tattooist after three or four weeks and have it touched up and fixed- ink can always be covered with more ink and the edges neatened up. dont over moistuise it, that can have a tempory effect like you discribe

  10. it could be leftover ink still...just let the tat heal as normal and see how it looks when its done. if you dont like it, you can go back and have it touched up. no big deal.

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