
Just got a heavy bag...I got a few questions.?

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Ok First of all im 5 foot 3 inches and 110 lb. I have a 25lb. Bag and i have kickboxing gloves. I dont have the regular boxing gloves. Here are my questions

1) Will punching this bag with my bare hands toughen my knuckles up? What about with kickboxing gloves? Will they also help toughen them up?

2) What kind of exercises can I do to improve wrist strength and elbow strength.

3) What are some good exercises to improve all around muscle mass? (Around the pecs, bi-ceps, abs, calves, and thighs?)

4) What are some good daily work outs?

5) What kind of habits should i get into to help me stay in shape and get my body toned?

Thanks much appreciated 10pts to best answer.




  1. 1- don't hit the bag without gloves. if you want you can get thin gloves just don't ever hit it bear knuckled

    2-don't know

    3- Air Squats, Back Extensions, Box Jumps, squat thrusts, Kettle-bell Swing, Knees to Elbows, Pull-ups (and jumping Pull-ups), jump-rope, sit-ups, etc...

    4)go to for daily workouts

    5)go to more lots of ideas on this. plus eat healthy and don't eat anything past 8pm (unless you have anything like diabetes or any other eating need then you should talk to you doctor more about this and don't just take what I say without doctor's approval)

    as for your heavybag go to a boxing gym so you can learn how to punch and then do this

    Use gloves. Do each of these for 3 min then rest for a min. It's good to practice in rounds just like how you would fight. Also bob and weave as you are doing these, don’t stay stationary. This here is a great order...

    1.left jab

    2.right jab

    3.left cross

    4.right cross

    5.left jab, right cross

    6.right jab, left cross

    7.left jab, right cross, left jab

    8.right jab, left cross, right jab

    9.left hook

    10.right hook

    11.left jab, right hook

    10.right jab, left hook

    11.left jab, right cross, left hook

    12.right jab, left cross, right hook

    13.left upper-cut

    14.right upper-cut

    15.left jab right upper-cut

    16.right jab, left upper-cut

    17.left jab, right cross, left upper-cut

    18.right jab, left cross, right upper-cut

    19.left jab, right cross, left upper-cut, right hook

    20.right jab, left cross, right upper-cut, left hook

  2. I am in law enforcement. The heavybag is good for stamina, strength, and endurance. Try wrapping your hands or buying wraps that you can slip on. Do not try punching the bag bare knuckles if you are new to fighting. Try doing bag drills like reps of 100 punches then a 1 minute rest in between with an average of 1000 punches. work on throwing classic 1-2's which is a jab then cross then graduate to three punch combos. It is not what you do but how you do it. You can do basic bag work and lose weight, gain muscle, work on your skill, and cardio. I do not know everything but this has helped me at work.

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