
Just got a in ground pool. What are step by step procedures ti vacuum it?

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Just got a in ground pool. What are step by step procedures ti vacuum it?




  1. Before you do anything else, read this page on pool water maintenance, before somebody gets hurt -

  2. i own a pool company so the first thing is if you have two skimmers get a 16 oz coke bottle fill it full with water put cap back on .turn bottle up side down  and put in far skimmer this will increase the suction in nearest skimmer then put vacuum hose in that skimmer then the other end of hose plug in to your  vaccum head be sure to submerge hose in water to get all the air out of hose or you lose suction in hose if you have any more questions email me at jldailey2000@yahoo .com eleven years experince

  3. are you saying  that you you had a new pool installed and they didn't teach you how to vac? I know, I know,, you already called them 4 times , and your embarassed to call a 5'th.  Thats OK  we've all been there...

                        Anyway, if the pool is newly installed I'm sure you have at least 3 return lines (to the pump/motor-- filter)  and 3 supply lines ( back out to the pool) and on each one of these lines (pipes) there should be a Ball Valve(that thingy on top of the pipe with a handle). I'm sure the pool co. marked them for you .. writing on each pipe where it's going or where it's coming from (hopefully they did this for you).. So ,  here's what to do.. #1unroll the vac hose and attach one end on the top of the  vac head then let the head go into the water  DON'T FORGET TO MAKE SURE THE HEAD IS ATTACHED TO THE POLE... AND WHEN YOU LET THE VAC/HEAD-POLE INTO THE WATER KEEP THE OTHER END OF THE HOSE ONTOP OF THE DECK (you might need it later).. #2 go back to where the pipes are and turn the valve that says 7' skim and turn the handle to the cross (off) position  (---l---) then do the same thing with the handle that says MAIN (drain) ONLY THIS TIME DON'T CLOSE THE VALVE COMPLETELY .. MAYBE 1/2 WAY  ( we don't need to blow out any fittings).. #3 go back to the end of the hose ( it probably got pulled into the pool,... ..use the skimmer pole to retreive it... now TAKE THAT END AND GO TO ONE OF THE OUTLETS WHERE THE WATER COMES OUT THE SIDE... PLACE THAT END OVER THE OUTLET.. HANG ON...NOW YOUR FILLING THE HOSE WITH WATER AND THE BUBBLES ARE COMING OUT AND THE WHOLE VAC/HEAD IS LIFTING UP OFF THE BOTTOM (COOL).. after there are no more bubbles ... IMPORTANT!!! keep that end underwater now  Take it to the 3' skimmer  (yes your on your hands and knees dragging the hose underwater)   now  take out the basket in the skimmer and insert the hose from the side (where the water is) into the skimmer and into the suction hole YOU ARE NOW VACUUMING...  A FEW THINGS TO REMEMBER #1 ALWAYS TURN OFF THE POWER TO THE PUMP/MOTOR--FILTER BEFORE YOU TRY TO TURN THE VARIO/VALVE ( the valve that reads Filter--Backwash--- Waste---Rinse---By/pass(recirculate) POWER OFF =TURN HANDLE to desired setting then Power On.

        If the pool is not to dirty  you can vacuum using the Filter Setting if it is really dirty,  you can vacuum thru the Waste Setting..  Just realize you"ll have to replace 100's and 100's of gallons of water... After vacuuming you might want to backwash... Best of Luck and  welcome to Heaven--H#ll

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