
Just got braces please help me!!!!?

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just got bracesss how long does it take for them not to be as sore!!!! and any advice?




  1. After a few hours the aching will subside, but it take about 2 weeks for the pain to really go away.

    I recomend you not to eat corn. It just gets messy.

    And cut all of your fruit, like apples, into smaller pieces.

  2. you'll be ok...just suffer through it like the rest of us.

  3. I've never had braces, but I heard from friends that they're sore for a few weeks but it really shouldn't hurt. I'm not sure if it hurts when you get them tightened.. But you can ask your orthodontist about that :)

  4. itll take 1-2 weeks,  dont think about them and itll go by fast, i got 2 years experience to xp

  5. Use dental wax, and it does take a few days.  You can use Ambesol or another type of over the counter pain reliever.

  6. been there, done that!

    i know how you feel. braces are really uncomfortable at first and i remember thinking "what if it will always feel like this?!" don't worry! in about 2-3 days they should start feeling 'normal' again and you won't even notice you have them!

    for me, i drank lots of ice water...and i know it sounds weird but i held the water it in my mouth before swallowing to take the pain away kind of!

    odd, i know, but who knows maybe it will work for you!

    in the mean time, eat lots of soup, jell-o,  and milkshakes!

    good luck!

  7. A week or so!

  8. a couple o days

  9. Yeah they are right a few days. Just be careful with food or drink thats too hot or cold. I had braces years ago and when i got back from having them tightened a warm Milo would be good and soothing.

    Dont listen to the dentist if he tells you that you cant eat chips or lollies or drink softdrink while you have them - he scared me with that but everyone does anyway! When they are off you'll be so glad you did it though.

  10. Dude you and me are in the same boat dude! I just got braces two days ago and they still hurt! My sister has hade them for about two years and she said they stop hurting like after a week! she has a really hi pain tollerance though! HAHA i dont know though dude just suck it up and take the pain! haha good luck! ( oh and i only have mine on the tops!) :)

  11. A week. When you get them tightened each month they will hurt again. Stay away from hard foods at those times. Use wax on the brackets and orajel on the inside of your lips (or wherever it hurts).

  12. sure no problem.  i've had my braces on for almost 4 years.  they should be a little less sore in 3-4 days.  there will still be a little tightness though, no matter what.  

  13. a week before they feel normal.

    each time you get them tightened, they hurt for about 3 days.

    its h**l.

    i know.

    im sorry. :]

  14. It took me about 2-3 weeks, but its not unbearable.  The only thing is that you might get sores in your cheeks or tongue with your braces scratching it.  That will hurt more.  The soreness will be less noticable as time goes on.  I've had my braces for about 8 months now.  The monthly tightning doesn't even hurt now.  If it hurts a lot, take some tylenol.  If you get sores, just gargle salt water and put wax on the braces thats causing the sore.  

  15. i had braces and feel your pain!! one week but two weeks tops!

    your teeth will get sore again not as bad when you get your braces tightened!

  16. Well with mine, they were sore all the time for about

    3 days

    then after that I couldn't really bite into anything without them hurting for about 2 weeks =\

    I'd take some pain meds with ibuprofen, because its an anti-inflammatory and that's really what you need right now. Drink a lot of smoothies and popsicles really make them feel better. Also, try running ice along your gums. And if you can't sleep cuz they hurt so much, try sleeping with your cheek against a hot water bottle, it really does work

  17. well mine lasted like 3 days  but it gets so much better when u can OMG good food

  18. Only a couple of days. My orthodontist told me that cold things almost as if soften the metal in your braces which make them hurt less. So eat lots of ice cream, suck on ice cubes, ect.

  19. it took me about a week

    well for me my mom let me eat ice cream

    for some meals

    it kinda fills you up plus it numbs  the pain

    but my mom would basically boil everything until they melt when they touch your mouth

  20. I used to have braces and they were always sore. Ill give you some tips. For starters, it takes about 1 week for the pain to completly go away, itll get lower after about 3 days. To make the pain go down quicker and all at once, try not to bite down on ur teeth or put any unneccessary force on them. So try and eat foods like yogurt or soup, things you dont have to chew basically. You can try pain relievers like tynol. When the pain makes you want to cry, hot showers can get ur mind off of the pain. And use dental wax if u feel like the braces are poking u anywhere. OH and brush your teeth softly but still thoroughly. I hope that helps you. Just keep unneccessary force off of em if you can!  

  21. 2 weeks is the longest, eat soup, jello, puddin, and soft waffles. braces are a taste of h**l, good luck

  22. I got braces about a year ago and I remember how painful they can be.  The pain lasted for about a week.  The best advice I can give you is eat soft food like noodles or yogurt!

  23. a couple of days you will get used to them in less than two  weeks also if they feel sore when you eat then eat softer substances like soup or like soft chips ahoy cookies really soft food though also when you get used to them you will be able to eat harder things like wheat thins or chips

  24. 2-5 days

  25. about 3 days.

  26. Only like 3 maybe 4 days. Probably less than that!

    Thats how long it lasted when I used to have braces!

    Hope I helped (:

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