
Just got car out of body shop & there's a new huge scratch on bumper of course they denied it what to do??

by  |  earlier

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i got my car fixed at this body shop(someone hit my back bumper) i picked my car up today and noticed a huge scratch on my front bumper. looks like someone ran onto a curb or something. i confronted the body shop people and they said the scratches were already there. i know for sure it wasnt. what can i do about this???




  1. well first you complain and tell them it wasnt there before and if they dont want to do the work sue them talk with a lawyer

  2. Your screwed in less you want to sue. But can you prove it.

    Next time take pictures before giving your car to someone for work. Make sure they have the date on them. Only takes a couple of minutes. But it will be worth it in the long run.

  3. I see that you have already talked to them about the scratch and they blew you off .You really don't have any other thing that you can do besides suing them , I doudt if you have a case that would stand, because it's your word againest his word .You most decide if it's really worth it.

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