
Just got engaged, how do we tell her parents?

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My girlfriend and I recently got engaged after 8 years of being together. I asked her, and she said yes. The problem is that we haven't told her parents yet.

Her mom is in the downside nowadays because of something that happened to a person close to her.. so we have to wait a few weeks to tell her. I think that her dad, on the other hand, might explode in rage if we told him the news.

How do we tell them?




  1. Why on earth would her dad explode with rage?

  2. why after being together for 8 years

  3. you just tell them!  Don't wait, news like this should be good, and you have been together a long time!  If they don't support you for no good reason that is their own choice.  but you are getting married and she should tell everyone!  And waiting may only hurt them.  

  4. Send them a heart felt letter explaining.  In the letter explain that you both love each other very much and ect... Tell them why you wrote them a letter instead of telling them in person and let them know you hope they can forgive you and that you both love them very much, etc... Good Luck.

    It is just an idea, that is all.  You could just go off  and get married somewhere just the 2 of you and then tell them.

  5. I think you should definitely tell them in a public place if you have fear that he will explode in a rage.  He might still do that but he might be less apt to.  Explain how much you all love each other and really want to take the next step and be a family.

  6. I would invite them to dinner and tell them casually. It is your decision, they should be happy with you guys no matter what. Or she should tell them over the phone and be all excited, to show them thats what SHE wants and will make her happy.  

  7. I think you should have your fiance invite them out for dinner and you can both give them the big news.  

  8. You should have asked her father before proposing to her.  It is old fashion manners, but you have to break the news sometime.  Better to get it over and done with right away, that way you don't have to answer, "HOW LONG HAVE YOU HID THIS FROM US?" and"WHEN WERE YOU GOING TO TELL US ABOUT THIS?"  

  9. I think you should tell them right away.

    1. Your dad will find out eventually, so you might as well get it over with. The sooner he blows up about it, the sooner he'll get over it, and you can be happy.

    2. If you mom will be happy about it, you should tell her now to bring her out of this depression she's in.

    Good luck!

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