
Just got engaged! I want to send out announcements and do a local newspaper announcement?

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IS that too much? I mean we only know his family in that town. I want my family to get something too! And another thing is the fact that My step father passed away 10 years ago but he is the one that raised me. I speak to my biological father now so I would like him to be included also. Does anyone have a good way to include all of those people including my fiance's mom and dad? Also I was just going to print announcements myself on some nice stationary and include a photo of us....i found that really nice natural paper with the flowers stuck in between and wanted to use that but wasnt sure if you can send that kind of paper through a printer....anyone have any answers???




  1. Don't do an announcement if you have not set a date.

  2. I'm not sure about printing on the paper. You'd have to look it up or call a printing place and ask.

    But as for the announcement, it's not normally in the paper until a month before the wedding. But you can send out a cute letter to your family and friends an include a pic if you two if you wanted. We didn't and we got engaged just over a month ago. My parents told our family and their friends (since my H2B and I live 1500 miles away).

  3. I think that you should definitely send out announcements to your family especially if they don't have access to your local paper.  Do what you want it's one of the few occasions in life where it truly is all about you and your sweetheart!  I would also consider reporting abuse on the person that answered your question by referring to divorce.  That's not very constructive.  If they are so against weddings why are they answering questions in the wedding section?

  4. whatever...

    if the wedding isn't called off before the date, you'll be divorced two years later.

    i would offer good luck, but what's the point.

  5. OK, sounds like someone (P.S.) is a little bitter...Just sayin...

    Anyways, wait till you have a date before you send the announcements. You will want to announce the day and the venue where you will marry. A sentence about how you met and a little bit of background info about each of you. Also, mention where you plan to live (city or state).

    I would go onto the or and set up a website. Include the website in the announcements if you plan to send something to relatives. OR use the website as an announcment and just email people the link. For those without internet a phone call would work just as well.

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