
Just got in a car accident. Whoose fault?

by  |  earlier

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I was at a streetlight and it is red. I'm at the curb preparing to turn right. I signaled right. I looked and saw no cars coming, then I turned right. Once I got into the lane, I got hit from the far left side of the car (near the bumper). The guy got damaged in the right (front) side of his car. I got away with a few scratches on my car while his car glass for his light on the right side came off and his front wheel (the frame) on the right side is coming off.

A possibly I thought of was that he could have been driving faster than he should because I did not see any cars coming from the other streetlight. Also he never honked.

I understand if I'm at fault. I'm just glad that no one got hurt.

I never expect to have my first car accident in daylight time.




  1. your fault sorry dont think you could prove his speed as there was minimum damage to your car ive turned and not seen someone before aswell got away with a near miss but it can happen certain light conditions

  2. It is difficult for somebdy who was not there to judge who is at fault, or if both parties share the blame in equal or unequal measure.

    A few more details woul help. For instance, were you pulling out of one road onto another, or perhaps were you stopped at the curb and then pulled out to turn right into another road? What were the road conditions/visibility at the time? were there any witnesses?

  3. You stopped at a red light and made a right turn when it looked safe to turn...  But still, you had the red light, and you ought to yield the right-of-way.  Unless the other driver ran a red light, then you have no defense, and the accident is your fault.

    Hope you exchanged insurance information.

  4. I have to agree you are at fault. When you make a turn on a red light the law definitely makes it your responsibility to make sure the way is clear. Doesn't matter how fast the other guy was going.

  5. You are , Failure to Yield

  6. If your light was red then it is your responsibility to yield to the traffic.  I think weather you saw him or not you  are at fault.  From the sound of the light damage,  I don't see how the other car was speeding too.  If there is any doubt as to who's at fault, always call the police and let them decide.  You may have to wait a while if they are busy but it's worth it.

  7. You are because you pulled out into oncoming traffic.

  8. It sounds to me that what happened is he was making a left turn, possibly with a green arrow and you looked at cross traffic and not the whole picture. You made a right on red and its you responsibility to be sure the way is completly clear.

  9. You are at fault, he apparently had the green light.

  10. You are at fault. He had the right of way. You cannot procede unless the road is totally clear. He doesn't have to honk or slow down.

  11. It's your fault. Traffic lights are there for a reason. Count yourself lucky it wasn't more serious.

  12. You are at fault, Your light was red, which means you must be 100% sure that the way is clear before you turn. If your right turn signal is on and someone is traveling the direction you are turning, they can't see your turn signal anyway.

  13. Regardless of his speed or anything else it's your fault.

    Had you not skipped the red light it would never have happened.

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