
Just got my baby home and freaking out PLEASE READ?

by  |  earlier

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had my baby on the 20 and everyone has come to see him but that when my fear kicks in i start thinking that someone is going to let my baby fall or one of the other kids might fall on him and kill him i don't want to leave with anyone not eve his father but i don't want to take him out with me because of the same fear I'm even scared that something might happen to him when he's with me

this is my second kid my first was a preemie and spent 3 weeks in the hospital which was h**l for me cause i would fantasize that the worst would happen anything from the nursery catching fire to some one else taking my baby home now i think its worst is this postpartum or some thing else and should i talk to some one about it and who

plz help i need to understand whats going on with me




  1. wow i felt the EXACT same way when i brought my baby home.  i was so scared for him i felt like bad things were going to happen, i have 3 cats and was scared to death one of them would harm him (for no reason, they are perfectly gentle).  

    i called my mom SOBBING telling her i was so scared for him and that something would happen to him.  i held him the whole first night i didn't want anyone else to touch him. i didn't want to put him down.

    it is a mix of your hormones being out of wack plus your natural instinct to want to protect your baby.

    you will be FINE!!!  i got over it within a few days of coming home and was fine after that.  you will too.  you are not abnormal.

    if for some reason you still feel this anxious in maybe a week i would talk to your doctor.  

    you will be fine and so will your baby!!!  

  2. I totally understand what you mean.  I've had 3, and while I was totally freaked with my first, with the other two I calmed a little....and I mean very little.  I think as long as you let the people who are close to you know your fears, they will understand if you accidentally freak out.  

    In this day and age it's hard not to be nervous and upset.  I think if you just calmly tell yourself that your doing everything in your power to be good to your baby, and protect it that might help.  If you still feel like this in a few more days i'd call your obgyn.

  3. its called PPD

  4. You are suffering from anxiety and possibly PPD. You need to tell everyone how you feel - your mom, your husband/boyfriend -everybody! This could be normal "Baby blues" stuff but it could be more serious.

  5. I think you just read too many books and/or tv shows and have a vivid imagination. You also sound like you are just so in love with your child, which is a very good thing. Alot of what you are feeling is normal reactions to becoming a Mommy again. I would be more concerned if you had NO feelings for your child's well being. Just remember; everyday women are having babies and the Mom's and baby's survive! Relax and enjoy your baby. Really take the time to hold, embrace and rejoice in what you made. Good luck and congratulations.

  6. nothing strange or scarying is happening to you.You're a Mom and it's a natural instinct to protect your child. The only thing is that your instinct is increased

  7. yeah open up to your husband or family and tell them how you feel it might help. I caught my wife crying a few times after we got our son home. I got her to tell me how she feels...she felt like our "couple time" is over coz of the baby..we both love going out anytime and she felt like we can never go out together anymore coz one of us has to stay home to watch the baby but that same day told her to get dress and the baby so we could go helped! we still go out whenever we can even if it's just to get some groceries. My point is talking helped and it might help you too.

  8. You are extremely hormonal.  The anxiety that something could happen to your child will slowly fade away.  Being a little weary of other people holding him is even normal, that's just your maternal intincts kicking into high gear.  Give it a week and if you are still paranoid and anxious go back to the doctor and discuss it.

    Good luck!

  9. You are acting normal!  My first child got sick at 9 weeks old and spent 3 months in the hospital.  To say I was a wreck is the understatement of the year!  When I had my second child I was insane with worry.  I wouldn't allow anyone to come close to her with the sniffles.  I was scared to death she would end up like my son, or worse, I would loose her.  She was probably a year old before I finally chilled out.  

    Take things one day at a time.  Remember that accidents can happen even when we are the most cautious.  Try not to think about it to much, and enjoy your newborn.  Your worry will make him worry.  Just relax, and everything will be fine!!!

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