
Just got my first period and I have some questions.?

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I got my period last night and I have several questions.

1.) Does the weird feeling of being wet down there go away?

2.) Mine is like dark brown and that normal?

3.) Did you get it for a few months before you used tampons?

4.) What is the average age to get it?





  1. 1)not sure


    3)nope i have never used them. but i think most people do take some time before switching from pads.

    4) probably between 12-16. But can be earlier or later.

    Good Luck !x

  2. 1) You should change your pad frequently, if you don't like the wet feeling or it being messy, talk to your mom about wearing tampons. They seem a little weird at first, but they're easy to use more comfortable and don't girve you the "wet" feeling.

    2) Yes, it can be red, brown, or pink at different times. The brown is dried or "old" blood. This is gross, but if you see clumps, don't freak, it's not only blood you loose, it's also tissue from your uteras.

    3) I know a lot of people who used tampons even their first time even because they hated the feeling of it coming out and the discomfort of pads. Personally, I prefer tampons a lot better. It's whatever hygene product you feel comfortable with. Tampons are just as safe, try them when you want to go swimming or get tired of the messynes of pads and their discomfort.  Start out with the lites.

    4) Between 9-16, some girls are "late bloomers" and some girls are "early bloomers" average is 12 or 13. I got mine at 12. It's normal at any age as long as it's not after 16. That indicates a hormonal imbalance or tuners syndrome to a docter. Most girls get it by 14, but some still haven't.

  3. Welcome to womanhood!! No,it doesn't go away throughout your period.After your period,yes but it comes back with the next period.That is normal because you have just started your period so dark brown and red is completely normal.I got my period at age 11 and I did not use tampons until i was 18(My family doesn't believe it is appropriate.).Average age is anywhere from 11 to 15.

  4. 1. no it didnt for me thats why i switched to tampons cuz if felt discusting

    2. yes it is dark brown usually means its older the red means it was not that long ago

    3. yes i did

    4. i would say 11 or 12



    3.i used tampons my first one but I needed too.


  6. 1) Wet feeling?  If you mean from your period not until your period is over unless you wear tampons.  If you mean the clear discharge you get then no.  It cleans out your v****a and you also have a certain type of clear discharge when you ovulate.  It's normal and will happen daily.

    2) Your period can look brown, dark brown, bright red, or dark red.  It usually starts off brownish, goes reddish, and ends being brownish color.  You may also see dark red clots too at some point but those are normal.  You are fine.

    3) I tried using tampons a year after I had my period but they weren't comfortable for me and I wasn't ready.  You can use them at any time you want to though.  It's just personal preference.

    4) The average time to start your period is from 12 to 16 but some girls can start as early as 8.  I started when I was eleven.

  7. 1) not until your period is gone for the month.

    2)thats normal brown means its blood thats been in there a while which is fine and red means its fresh blood coming out. totally normal.

    3)well i don't like tampons. i didn't start using them for about 1 year after i first got mine. and i don't use them often. but its fine for you to start using them when ever you want to.

    4)well its about 12-13 but in recent years many girls seem to get their period between 10-12 years old. but it really doesn't matter what age you get it. i got mine when i was 13 but my older sister got hers when she was 17 and my other older sister go hers when she was 12 so it really doesn't matter. everyone is different.  

  8. The feeling doesn't really go away. I feel if i use tampons i don't feel as wet compared to using a pad. But don't always use tampons.

    It is normal for it to be dark brown, and red.

    I actually didn't start using tampons for like four months after i started my period,but i would think that you would get it a few months before.

    the average age is like 12-17 or something like that.

  9. 1) Nope, its gonna last throughout your whole period

    2) Yep

    3) i had it for 2 years, and i never used tampons

    4) 11-15

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