
Just got rubberbands for braces

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It hasn't been even a year yet, and I've read that you get rubberbands when your treatment is almost done. It's only been about 10/11 months. When will I have to stop wearing these and does this mean I'll get my braces off soon? I thought I'd have braces for 2 years.

P.S. my teeth aren't that bad, so is that why?




  1. I have braces and im gonna have them for about a year and a half...and they gave me rubberbands about 8 or 9 months in...then said i didnt have to wear them a month later .so i dont think it means its coming close to the end but i could be wrong

  2. same here, i have rubberbands and it's not done yet, i think they sort of experiment, maybe you'll get them off earlier because they said i;m getting mine off half a year earlier because my teeth are still growing and unpredictable

  3. Rubber bands can be used in any stage of orthodontia. For example, if you have an under bite that is severe, you could have rubber bands for half or more of your treatment. It may not be your teeth that your ortho is trying to fix, but a minor or major bite problem. I would just ask your ortho, because he knows what he is doing and for what purposes.

  4. Actually, it doesn't matter what phase of the treatment you are in. I know a few people who received elastics after only having braces for a month.

    I personally had braces for a year and then got elastics.

    So it really doesn't depend on how long you've had your banding, different orthodontists prefer to assign elastics at different time depending on how a patients teeth/jaws are moving.

  5. Yeah, Bob's right.

    But i'm too lazy to put what he already said.

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