
Just got test for Anemia & I'm pregnant!?

by Guest61863  |  earlier

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I just got tested for Anemia.

Has anyone ever been anemic & pregnant and if so what foods did u eat and what kind of iron pills did/do you take?






  1. I am almost 39 weeks pregnant with my first and the doctors found that I was anemic also and they perscribed me iron supplements called Ferrous Sulfate (little, round, dark green pills). I am taking 2 tablets a day and as far as my diet goes, I never changed it. It wouldn't hurt though to eat some iron fortified foods though like:

    Canned beans

    Baked potato with skin

    Enriched pasta

    Canned asparagus


    Don't worry if you are because it is nothing to worry about. Its very commom in pregnant women due to the baby needing twice as much and takes your iron supply.  

  2. I've been anemic all my life. I eat a lot of broccoli and take SLOWFE which is an OTC iron tablet.

  3. I was border-line anemic when I was pregnant.  They just told me to take any over the counter iron supplement.  I lost a lot of blood during my c-section because I started to hemorrhage, and I became even more anemic afterwards, and still took the same supplements until my hemoglobin count rose. Just  make sure you take as directed because its very possible to overdose on iron.

  4. I am anemic and pergo. they put me on repliva and told me to eat greens!

    good luck

  5. Yeah I did! Just eat alotta meat! The nurse thought I was a vegetarian and said to just eat more meat, and beans! Well you take these pills called Ferrous Sulfate 325mg (5 gr) you take one a day two hours apart from your prenatal vitamin, you can't take it with milk only with water or orange juice. And you get very constipated so drink alot of water! The Ferrous Sulfate you could get at Walmart for less than $3 and you have to ask for it at the pharmacists counter and yes its over the counter. Well good luck!  

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