
Just got the Red Rings of Death, What do i do?

by  |  earlier

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I got the Xbox Elite last christmas and like 20 minutes ago i turned it off and then like one minute later turned it on and the 3 rings appeared...who do i call? i need a warranty or does microsoft pay for it?




  1. well make sure you have the actually red ring of death.

    1 ring-something wrong with your 360

    2 rings-overheated 360

    3 rings-AHHH,red ring of death

    4 rings- your av cable(the yellow, red and white that you plug into your t.v) is not plugged in.

    If you get the red ring of death, then you call xbox support (1-800-4MY-XBOX) and they fix it for free and it takes 2-3 weeks

  2. hmmm did you try restarting ti then it works cuase that happen to mine or go the xbox website and get the number to contact the they will repair for free i think

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