
Just got wisdom teeth out?

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I just got my wisdom teeth out and I wanted to know if you had your wisdom teeth out and what your expierence was like.




  1. I was one of the fortunate ones and had a pretty good experience. I was asleep and woke up once but totally out of it. When i woke up I felt perfectly fine and I was talking even though everyone was telling me to shut up. I bled for a few hours after, but the pain and swelling was minimal. I felt more pain in one side of my mouth but I later learned that the oral surgeon had to drill part of my jaw to get out of the tooth. I couldn't lay down though for like a week after though. I had to sleep sitting up, so that was annoying.

  2. I'm 15 and I had mine pulled out almost a year ago. When I got home I didn't have anything in my stomach and had to take some strong pain medications. I couldn't hold them in my stomach and started puking a lot. I think I was also puking cause of all the blood I swallowed. My teeth had been deep in my gums but were causing me some pain cause they were crowning my other teeth. I was in so much pain cause I couldn't take the medication or eat to take it. I cryed for a week straight and my cheeks hurt cause they were so swellin. I had a really bad experience with getting my teeth pulled. And also when I went under I though i only feel asleep for a minute. It was crazy cause I could hear them taking when I was under. I also had three pulled cause oddly i only grew three wisdom teeth.

  3. I had mine cut out in my teens when I was in high school. I had some pain with swelling. The dentist did prescribe pain medication for me. Just take it easy and don't do anything and just rest. Follow your dentist's instructions and call him/her if you have any problems or any questions.

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