
Just had a baby and i have annoying boyfriend?

by  |  earlier

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ever since r baby was born he complains about everything and doesnt help with the baby .wat should i do?




  1. I was in the same situtation. My fiance didnt get up once in the night and only held our baby when I had to take a shower or run to the store. A lot of the time when I came home I found our son in the swing and my man doing something else. I just dealt with it and hoped he changed, which he did. He later told me that he was nervous holding him and didnt know what to do with a newborn. When our son started smiling and interacting is when he started to really get involved. I know you dont want to hear to just deal with it but that is what I did and it worked out for me. good luck!  

  2. Tell him to shape up, or ship out. Its his baby too, and he needs to help!

    Ahhh why all the thumbs down? People think its fair for a female to raise a baby whist the guy acts like the king???!!! I think not!!!

  3. Have a really big heart to heart with him. Tell him how you feel...without arguing. Bring out all your points and give examples so he can understand where you coming from. If this don't work think about if he is worth keeping. Hope I helped. Good luck.

  4. Hi, you poor honey, life is hard enough with 1 baby let alone your b'friend acting like one too.

    Sit him down and really tell him how you feel, it is bloody hard work, and he needs to be a reliable father and help.  If he cant handle it, tell him that this situation won't work and ask him for some space.

    He'll be back in no time.  You don't need to put up with his immature ways, and neither does your baby.  This bub needs a real father, not a part time parent.

    Good Luck honey.

  5. Get a new one! But seriously, tell him how you feel, and if he doesn't smarten up, leave him, at least until he grows up a bit. You don't need that while trying to raise a new baby

  6. suck it up. You are a woman and its your job to raise kids!

  7. Hve you tried telling him how you feel about it? Was this a planned pregnancy? Because when I was pregnant, we didn't plan it, and I guess none of us were prepared for it, my parent, me, especially my boyfriend. Even if it was planned, maybe he just needs to get used to the idea. Make sure he knows that he needs to help tale care of his baby! Good luck, and hope I helped!

  8. dump him.

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