
Just had a call off his ex..?

by  |  earlier

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Met this guy in may, didnt like him at first then ended up REALLY liking him and prepared for a relationship but it was to late. I fxcked things up with him and haven't seen him for 6 weeks.

Ive just had a call off his ex? Except by the sounds of it their back together. She must be back with him because I can't think how else she could of got my number.. I really liked him though and I've being trying to get back in touch with him for ages and maybe hes being funny because hes back with her.

I cant remember the exact words but it was something along the lines of this:

HER - Whos this?

ME - Beckie whos that?

HER - Whys your number on my BOYFRIENDS phone?

(I heard someone in the background say "whos that..beckinder" and im really upset because their saying it coz im half indian :'(

ME - I dont know..

HER - Well its your number

ME - Whos your boyfriend?

HER - Kris

ME - I dont know I havent spoke to him for about 6 weeks

HER - Yeah well (didnt hear the rest)

..then she hung up. She sounded really bitchy and common (well she is off a council estate) ..and I just can't handle things like that. I've never been in a fight and dont want to be in one! Im 17 and I if its who I think rang, she is 16.

Should I just leave them to it even though its breaking my heart?




  1. ive had the same problem.. it sux, but 9 outta 10 times the guy will feel really bad for letting the chick call you because he will know it hurt you.. and if the girl is a b*tch then be one right back and tell her its not my d**n fault my name is his phone!! you cant help that!! but its better to just wait until he gets ready to call you and if he has feelings for you then he most definitely will!!

  2. You should stay out of it. She sounds like a witch, but it's none of your business. If he still likes you, he might come back, but if he doesn't, there are plenty of other guys.

    Plus it sounds like you're in high school or middle school, in which case, I recommend you just enjoy your friends and make it through school, because there are much better guys in college (if you know where to look).

    High school relationships are basically doomed to fail.

  3. Just leave him alone. he obviously is over with you :-( and think about it, is he really worth it if he is low enough to have a B*tch of a girlfriend like that? You probably deserve much better... and it has been over a month!

  4. just say your numbers in his 4n bcoz he fancys u

    if she says anything say well its not my problem now, its urs!! nd hang up

  5. Yes!

    If he wants to be with someone who goes through his phone and hassles people she suspects of going near her precious boyfriend then you are well off out of it.

    Clearly they are not getting on great otherwise she wouldn't be so insecure.

    She's his choice right now so be wise, walk away and find someone who will appreciate someone with a bit more class and dignity.

  6. Huh?

  7. Leave him? He's left you and is making fun of you with another girl. Just walk away, he's behaving like a jerk at your expense.

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