
Just had a failed IVF cycle. When is soonest I can have frozen embryos transferred?

by  |  earlier

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Just found out today that I'm not pregant from the fresh cycle. Haven't started my period yet. Can I get them transferred mid cycle from this next period or do I have to wait for the period after this one? I'm confused and I don't want to wait too long!!!




  1. You need to contact your RE.  If you plan to transfer, they need to get your protocol together.  Usually it's estrogen based like BC or lupron then E2 until you're lining has 3 levels then they'll do the transfer.

    I wouldn't waste time letting your clinic know your wishes.  They'll probably want to start the protocol on cd 3 or 5.

  2. I am so sorry. Please do something nice for yourself.

    You cannot start until your next period. You will need to do some blood test and med prep before hand to build up your lining. Your lining needs to be nice and thick so those embies have a place to snuggle in. When to start a frozen embryo transfer (FET) depends on your clinic. Many clinics will do an FET after a failed cycle at the start of your next period where some have you wait two cycles. I know it's a long wait but it will give your body a little rest. Know that many women who do not conceive during a fresh cycle do so with an FET!

    Best of luck to you and I wish your arms will soon be full!

  3. sorry to hear that your cycle was unsuccessful. unfortunately with both my Fresh IVF cycles  i haven't had any FET so i am unsure of what they would do but i have heard that most clinics like you to wait until your next period after failed cycle so your body can have a months break from all the drugs  between a failed cycle and frozen cycle ask your clinic or dr and they will be happy to answer any of your questions. hope i have helped good luck with your FET :)

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