
Just had a miscarriage am i pregnant?

by Guest45066  |  earlier

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hello all,

i had a natural miscarriage at 4wks june 24,still haven't had any period so im at 32 days of my cycle which im normally 28, but anyways i have been having alot of pregnancy symptoms: cramps(similar to menstraul)on and off for about 2 wks.nausea and vomiting a couple times,sensitivity to smell,headaches,dizziness,increased fatigue,trouble sleeping at night.i took an hpt thursday and it came back negative i have a doc appt scheduled for aug.6 just trying to get some opinions.Wandering could i possibly be pregnant and its too early to show up?i dont believe its left over hormones because my symptoms stopped right after my miscarriage which i only bled for 3 i was due for a period on did anybody fall pregnant right away?and has anybody had menstraul like cramps when they were pregnant but no bleeding?please tell me what u think without sarcasm would be greatly appreciated thanks!!!also when do u think i should take another hpt?




  1. Pregnancy test 7 days after a missed period for the most accurate result. It is possible to become pregnant quickly after a miscarriage. Your doctor will give you a blood test to find out for sure.

    Pregnancy Signs:

  2. go to the hospital

  3. U might be ovulating....ur probably not prego if the test came back neg, but yeah definitely go see ur doc if your still concerned, oh and I have heard that women are most fertile after a mc....Good Luck!

  4. I miscarried before we conceived DS last summer. The first cycle after I miscarried was a lot like yours...longer than normal, crampy, moody....just somewhere between PMS and pregnancy. I was pregnant that particular cycle, but we did get pregnant the 2nd cycle following!

    I would wait 2 more weeks. If no period then, then I'd test.


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