
Just had a miscarriage and a D&C,please let me know yours???......?

by  |  earlier

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So i was 5 weeks and 6 days and saw a heartbeat.I had cramps the whole time,not bad though.I know they can be common.WEll a week later i had one time brown discharge,again didn't think anyting of it.Well 2 nights later i had light blood,so i wen to the ER.They couldnt find a heartbeat,needless to say i was DEVASTATED!!!!!I've NEVER had pain like this before!!!WOW!!!My body didnt release it all,although i had a ton of clots(golf ball sizes).I had a D&C to get rid of it all.I went through that fine.I cant eat or sleep.I have too kids now,so i know i can get pregnant again.I just need some encouragement!!!Please tell me how you got through it and when you had another!!!I need people to talk to!!!I have a husband and hes SUPER supportive but hes at work!!!!Thanks soooooooo much!!!!!!GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!




  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. In December I had a miscarriage, and did not have a D&C but I bled for 13 days and each day was just as painful as the last, I think I cried for a month. But I just had to realize that it was not my fault, and that I did not cause it, sometimes the baby just doesn't survive for whatever reason.

    My husband was supportive as well, but what made it even harder was the fact that my sister announced she was pregnant the day I began my miscarriage - we would have had the same due date, so every time I saw her, I thought of my loss.

    I realized though that the children that were in my life - whether it be nieces and nephews or children of my own they were still a blessing and I could love them until I could have another.

    I am now 16 weeks pregnant and all is well and it was 5 months after my miscarriage that I conceived again and I am thrilled.

    Just know that there is hope for the future, that you are already blessed with two children, and that you have a wonderful husband and take some time to grieve the loss of your child.

  2. aw that is so sad. i havent personally went through this, but i have a really close friend who tried for 3 years to get pregnant and then i got pregnant again and i felt guilty! then she finally got pregnant and we were SOOOO HAPPY!! so then she was about 11 weeks and she was going to get her first ultrasound to make sure everything was okay and she got inthere soooo excited, and there was no heartbeat. i couldnt believe it when she got home and told me, while she was screaming...i felt terrible. so she still carried the baby inside of her for 4 extra days until she finally had a miscarriage....

    its soo sad but your not the only one. just hold the 2 kids you have close, and try again when you both are ready.

    god bless you.

  3. I also miscarried my third pregnancy (blighted ovum) and had a D&C.  I'm so sorry for your loss.  I waited a year and got pregnant again.  I'm sitting here holding that beautiful boy right now.

  4. I'm so sorry about your baby.

    With me, we started ttc last Oct. and got pregnant after only 2 months of trying with a baby boy. But when I was 24 weeks, I started bleeding. I went to the ER and they checked for a heartbeat and "found it" then checked again after an hour or two and couldn't find it so took me for an U/S and found out that he had passed away and the heartbeat had been mine. So I went to my real doctor and got induced. I had him the next night on April 29, 2008 and we found out that his cord had wrapped around him 4 times and that is why he didn't make it. We named him Jonas Gabriel and he was 1 pound 6 ounces and 12 inches long. He was absolutely perfect and he looked just like his daddy. I also had to have a D&C to get the placenta to come out becuase my cervix closed around it.

    It's so hard to lose a baby. People don't understand. And they say stupid things like "It wasn't meant to be" or "you're young you can always have another baby". Someone (who had just had a baby) actually said to me *at Jonas' funeral nonetheless* "It's okay, you can always have another baby. If it makes you feel better you can come over and play with my baby"  Are you F-in kidding me???? Can you believe that?

    It has been 4 months since Jonas was born. We have been ttc for 3 months. Not pregnant yet. TTC is very hard for me after losing Jonas but I have to do it because not TTC would be far worse to me.

    Good luck to you and tons of sticky baby dust to all of us.

  5. I'm so sorry, i saw my baby heartbeat at 5 weeks and 6 days too. but at 7 weeks last week, i started to spot , but it didn't stop, then i went in for blood work, and i went back to work and started to bleed heavily, and cramping, but its most the horrible thing to go thru.

    i know how you feel,and i kept saying i saw the heartbeat

    well i went to my follow  up-and it suppose to be my 1st pre-nantal appt,and the doctor said the heartbeat was low,honey it gets better day by day, but let no one tell you different.

    God knows.... it will happen

    keep your faith,i am

  6. I am so sorry, I know what you are going thru I had two before I had my two beautiful children.  My first one was at 12 weeks and it all happend in one day, the bleeding and cramps started in the afternoon, by that evening I had passed the fetus when I went to the bathroom (sorry for the image) I was devastated I could see fingers and toes it was awful. I had a D&C that time. My second I was 18 weeks, without realizing it my water broke at 12 weeks and I continued to carry.  The cord passed thru and we went to hospital, they could not find heartbeat and induced me into labor, so I had to deliver.  There was no pushing because the baby was so small. No D&C that time it was like a real delivery except the baby was very small.    

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