
Just had a strange feeling could it have been my waters?

by Guest56321  |  earlier

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yesterday i was in hospital because of pains and having lots of number 2s sorry if to tmi and i had my show. I wasn't dilating babies head was only 4/5 engaged and i was given steroids just inacse as i'm only 33 weeks plus pregnant. I 've just been sat here and felt like i had a very small wee i didn't of course because i didn't push down if you know what i mean. I went to the toilet and after wiping it the toilet paper was only mildly wet, didn't smell and was clear in colour. I did need a wee staright after. I've put a sanitery towel on now to check.




  1. It could be! some people just have a trickle whilst others have a big gush! (i did) just keep an eye on it and if it carries on go to the hospital and get checked out! Good luck, ;)

  2. Get to hospital.

  3. no need to guess  ... my advice is go to  your family doctor and listen to his advice,after all  people have some self experience but on such issues yahoo is some help but doesn't replace your doctor, that knows your medical history and will have more data to help u.

    call your doc right away.

  4. Sounds like discharge if you're not leaking any more. You'll notice an increased amount of discharge in your last trimester. Most of the time your water will have an almost sweet smell to it.

  5. any worrys phone your midwife thats what they are there for good luck with babyx

  6. Whenever something like that happens,you ALWAYS should go to the hospital just to be sure.You dont want to take chances especially with the possibility of your water breaking.Usually Dr's like to have baby delivered within 24 hours after your water breaking to make sure baby doesnt get an infection.There would most definately still be leaking after a "slight wee" so if you arent leaking then I wouldnt worry so much about it "still go to hospital though".

    When I was 37 weeks pregnant,I woke up in a pool of "wetness" I went straight to the bathroom and out came the mucas plus (sorry TMI) so I was SURE it was my water that had broken while I was asleep. Well....turns out I just peed in the bed......hahahaha!! So towards the end you dont really have much control over those things,but its still always best to get it checked out. Good luck,and CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  7. get to hospital love!

    good luck!

    The waters will probably start gushing a bit! Take a towel!

    I have had 2 babies at 33 weeks (one of them, the waters broke at 30 weeks and she stayed in another 3 weeks!)

    Don't worry you and the baby will be fine!

    They can check if waters have gone using a litmus paper or whatever it is!

    Good Luck!

  8. it could have been just a trickle, some women will trickle all the time towards the end and some will loose it all together. some wont even loose it and will have to have it broken. ring your hospital and let them know and ask them if they want you to go in for a check up. if you dont want to do this then just keep an eye, if you loose it a few times you should go to the hospital. good luck

  9. This happened to me at 35 weeks, my boy was fine, just abit jaundiced. He was born about 14 hours after what you say is happening & I had no pain at all until 1 hour before he was out! Keep an eye on yourself, make sure you're not on your own. Don't worry about being early, hospitals have seen it all these days & will have everything on hand to help you & baby.

    Apparently, lots of pooing is your body's way of cleaning you out ready or so my nan said! I think you're in for a very eventful night mrs !!!! Take care.

  10. i would advise to phone the ward where you were yesterday,

    they will be able to give the best  advice.

    good luck

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