
Just had a thought...ANYONE WHO SPOILED SD! can read.?

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Jeff lost to MVP. the wrestlers always have to lose at one point or another. Jeff is in that match at unforgiven...with mvp. Why do I think Jeff will get one of the last pinfalls...and it's mvp under him??

What are the odds of Jeff winning at Unforgiven???

If you don't think Jeff will win...who is your pick?




  1. i think ether triple h,,jeff or mvp will win..but i think mvp will win because he is smackdowns top heel and wwe still doesn not trust hardy

  2. yes,I think that jeff will win both the matches with hhh and mvp

  3. the odds of Jeff winning is around 25% because there is the possibility that Mvp will fake an injury and then get a pin at the last second because he is a heel.  

  4. Jeff probably will win at Unforgiven! He deserves it :)

  5. That would be sooooooo awesome but I just don't see Jeff walking out with the belt at the end, sadly though i really hop;e he does. I know he will get at least one pinfall during the match but I really think that HHH will find someway to keep it.

  6. I say The Brian Kendrick get the first pinfall (just to get a few wows from the crowd) but the last guy having a pinfall I think will be MVP pining Triple H after HHH pins someone with 10 seconds left (like the punt kick Orton did)

  7. Jeff has a 20% chance like the rest of them. I think Jeff will get a pinfall on MVP, but like Matt he will never win a major wrestling title. I think that Brian Kendrick will win because WWE is giving him a push.

  8. i think jeff will get the first pinfall but triple h will get the last one or hopefully mvp

  9. Jeff's not going to win.I'm going to pick him anyway,just because he's my favorite and I always root for him.Even when I know he's going to lose.

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