
Just had an awful phone interview, please help..?

by  |  earlier

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I sounded like an idiot and talked really slow, I was expecting the call, but I didn't know it was going to be an interview, i figured it would be much less formal...

Anyway, I want to send her a thank you e-mail, but should I apologize for sounding like an idiot? I'm usually decent for interveiws... when I'm prepared... should I tell her? What should I say?





  1. You probably thought you sounded worse than you actually did.  Treat the call like any other business call and send a follow-up email to confirm any details that either of you may have stated, such as the name of the position, availability dates, next steps in the process, etc.  If you have any additional follow-up questions, include these as well.  Make the tone of the message friendly but formal and be sure that it contains perfect grammar and spelling.

    Do not tell the interviewer that you thought you "sounded like an idiot"- you might convince this person that you are. Everyone is a little nervous during telephone interviews...

  2. No, don't say anything about sounding like an idiot. The thank you email is a good idea, just keep it short and simple and say you hope to hear from her soon.

  3. Don't say anything, the damage has already been done.  Just give her follow up phone call thanking her for the interview and see if there are any more questions you could answer for her at this point in regards to your resume/application.  Bring your "A" game on the follow up phone call, that way you can give them a different impression of you.  An email won't do you any justice at this point.  Phone interviews are done so the interviewer can get a feel for your communication skills and the only way to salvage that is by following up over the phone.

  4. Just say thank you for the opportunity or something in that area.

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