
Just had first ever golf lesson, it went very well but....?

by  |  earlier

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my instructor has advised that i should not have another lesson for two weeks and practice my grip and approach to the ball, is it normall for lessons to be two weeks apart??




  1. Not unusual at all. Your coach wants you to adapt what you learned and then see what progress you might have made. there is a method to the madness.

  2. He's going to the Bahama's for two weeks and doesn't want you to look for another instructer while he's gone.

  3. id go with whatever my instructor says.....and you know why.It is so because if you hit a couple of balls on your own, any errors you mak can be addressed at the next golf lesson.  Most first lessons willl include gripping and back swings.  It is after that that you go on the driving range and hit some balls and find your weakness.  You can then ask questions about what is wrong with your swing( or what so ever) whenever you have your next lesson.  This will narrow the time you spend with the learning and more time learning the weak spots  .Hope all is good

  4. It makes sense because you have to practice what you learn in order to go to the next stage in your development as a golfer.

  5. It is definitely normal, as you  need time to go away and work on the changes and groove them into your normal routine. Once you have these in place it will make the next lesson easier.

    Whatever else you do, make sure you work on those things that you were told to.

  6. the lessons you are there to learn begin with the approach and setup of your shot... he is merely trying to get you to concentrate on the approach, grip, and setup of each of your shots

    Once you start learning shot techniques they take your mind away from your approach, the instructor is just trying to make your setup automatic so youcan just work on the swing when you get there

  7. Your golf instructor isn't going to make you a better golfer on his own.  He just gives you tips and teaches you to make certain tweaks in your swing, but it's on you to practice these teachings and make them work for you.

  8. no just practice

  9. Yes, it is not unusual. Your instructor clearly wishes you to practice this until you do it without thinking. It is worth listening and doing as it can make the difference between a short putt and a sand wedge to get on the green.

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