
Just had gynecomstia surgery

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how long should it take to heal and how long should i not work my abs and chest or can i work my abs btw i have school next week plz help me




  1. Why did you have the surgery??????Work out

  2. I would say at least three weeks depending on how much they had to do.  In some cases they can go in and reduce gynocomstia with just liposuction. In others they have to surgically enter and remove harder, non-fatty tissue. The latter is more messy and has a longer recovery time.

    If they just did liposuction you can probably start working in about two weeks. Keep in mind things may be rather swollen and bruised for a month or more.

    If they did the surgical removal, you probably shouldn't indulge in any strenuous activity for at least three weeks, but you'll have to ask the surgeon who did it - it's going to depend on how big the incisions they made were, and how much tissue they had to remove.

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