
Just had my braces removed and my gums are swolen and puffy.. will they always be like this?

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my gums are really swolen and puffy.. my bottom teeth are a quarter covered by my gums.. it doesnt hurt, but im just wondering, will they stay swelled up?






  1. It will go away,or it should.

    If it doesn't go away in a few days,make sure to contact your orthodontist!

    lol.. gotta take care of those s**y teeth.

  2. They will subside in about 3 days!

  3. I am sure the swelling will go down. s**y teath wwoooww. Enjoy.

    If you are concerned by puffy stuff go and talk to the experts. Better to be safe than sorry.

  4. they will be puffed up but not as much as it feels. however this should go away with in a couple of days. after two weeks if its still the same contact your orthodontist or dentist

    hope this helps

  5. I was very excited when I finally got my braces off.  Congradulations.  The swelling is from all the work he did removing the braces.  If it doesn't go down in about two or three days, call the Orthodontist's office.  They may want to check it out to make sure you do not have an infection.

  6. no they wont stay swelled up. ya you can eat. you gums wont bleed. ya its normal to have an infection.

  7. I am sure they do.  Congratulations on getting your braces off.  

    I am guessing that your gums are swollen from the work the Orthodontist was doing.  Take some Motrin and give them a day, I am sure they will be fine.  If not then call the doc and let him know.

  8. haha i bet they do.

    no this swollen-ness will subside, its just because your mouth has been prodded and poked by the dentist so much

  9. Congratulations!! :)

  10. your gums are swollen because they are infected.

       It is especially hard to clean properly when you have a fixed brace, and infection happens when plaque gets caught around the neck of the tooth.

    it is very important to clean thoroughly with a soft brush (make sure you angle it so that it gets between the gum and tooth.  Use a mouthwash too.  

    I think it might be a good idea to contact your dentist for a scale and polish and make sure they remove all the glue from your teeth.

      I am surprised your orthodontists didn't advise you on all this (what's the use of having nice teeth if your gums are screwed up?)

    Get a professional clean asap.

    Sure you can eat - but lay off  the sugar

    yes you I expect your gums to bleed when brushing as there is an increased blood flow in that area to fight the infection.  Ignor the bleeding.  As your gums recover, and rid of bacteria, the bleeding will stop.

  11. hmmm... it shouldn't be. was it swollen prior to the removal or just right after? well if it persist then just visit ur dentist. if it is just for the time-being, then maybe it was some sort of reaction. otherwise an oral prophylaxis might help.

    maybe a antibac gargle or a warm water with salt rinse can give a palliative result:)

  12. Just for the first year or so.

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