
Just had my daughter vaccinated and I'm freaking out

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I researched vaccines and opted to space them out. went to the doctor today for my baby's 2 month exam and the gave her 4 shots after I expressed my hesitation. I do NOT want her getting anymore until she is older and I feel like the nurses are not listening to me... got any advice? precautions, stories? I am now extremely worried.




  1. Yes, Funkychic, the internet can be rife with "WRONG" information; and, in this case you are the one doling it out.  Your entire *answer* is one laborious, run-on opinion.

    At minimum, you should know that it is quite legal for children to attend school without having been vaccinated.  

    UVA, your doctor and her/his nurses work for you.  If they cannot respect your wishes, grab your daughter and leave.

  2. They give babies vaccinations for a reason, not "just because"

    Many vaccinations are given in "progressions", so the small child's system won't be overloaded.  If you interrupt the progression of these shots by much, the previous shots become nearly useless.

    Also, chlidren are not LEGALLY allowed to go to school unless they have had vaccinations for certain diseases (the ones that are not given as "choices", the ones that all children recieve).

    It's also better for children to get them as babies - they may scream for a bit and be a bit "off" for a day or two, but it really only hurts you, the parents.  The kids don't remember it at all.  However, if you wait 'till they're older, they remember the pain each time and know what's going on, and often learn to despise shots of all kinds.

    Although a doctor should listen to your concerns, think of it from this angle - doctors have had YEARS of training in order to treat people properly, have treated many babies/children, and know what is necessary for optimum health.  You, although you know YOUR child best, you do not know the health care system best.  Unless your child is having a very adverse side effect from the vaccine, I don't know why you wouldn't want her to have them.

    Unfortunately, although the internet can be a valuble tool in getting information, there is, more often than not, WRONG or INCOMPLETE information on her, which gives people the wrong impression on different things. People then tell their friends/family, and untrue information gets around.

    I understand you're trying to protect your daughter, but I cannot understand why on earth anyone would want to put their kids at risk for diseases that are life-threatening, and preventable.

    I am not talking about vaccines like the flu shot, or chicken pox shot - they're very new, and the flu shot only covers a few strains of the flu, and half the things people call the flu isn't even the flu, so they get sick anyways because they think they're invincible.

    But anyways, I'd definately keep your daughter on schedule and get her vaccinated with all the "must-do's".  People have died because their parents chose to not have them get the vaccines, or were going to get them when the child was "older", and the child got a disease they never should have gotten, and died.

    Overall, make concerns known to the doctor, and as your DOCTOR for information on the vaccines.  Then listen to what they tell you - they know what they're doing, even though you may not like what they're telling you.

  3. u have the right to refuse or request any medical treatment unless i would guess it was a life or death situation for your child....pls give it some thought though..we have so many ppl traveling in and out of the country from all over the world; and ppl can be carriers or contagious before they develop symptoms...

    also: if u still have the enfamil, i would really appreciate it if we could work out some way to get it for my daughter, i didn't answer fast enough last time bc i didn't expect u to offer........most ppl on here i have found to not be quite as friendly or email is tonniern_ATyahooDOTcom........thanks

    and don't worry so much about the injections, they will be fine.....sounds like our babes are about the same age, my just turned 2 mos and got her shots...:)

  4. There isnt much to be worried about. She might be alittle crabby for a few days and maybe a little feverish. All my kids were vaccinated and none of them have ever had any problems. If you choose to not vaccinate, the doctors and nurses have to comply.

  5. You need to be in the room when they are preparing the shots (which it sounds like you were).  You need to ask what they are administering.  If they are administering more vaccines at one time than you would like, then don't 'express your hesitation', just simply tell them that you DO NOT want that many vaccines at one time.  If they continue to pressure you, take your daughter and walk out.  Then, find a new doctor!  It is perfectly within your rights to request shots to be given over time rather than all at once and its also your right to refuse certain vaccinations.  You need to find a doctor that is willing to support your decisions even if they don't entirely agree with them.  Vaccines, obviously, are a largely debated topic.

  6. Stop reading stuff on the internet... it's all opinion based and not evidence based.

    It is very normal for them to have their vaccinations all at once.  Why would you want to put them through that over a stretched out period of time?

  7. you child needs protection from illness.  These vacinations are to protect her.  You should spend time in a children's hospital and see how some of those children suffer....

    Stop trying to decide what is best for her. Babies can get sick very quickly and die very quickly....don't put her in a disadvantage.

  8. Lots of babies do fine with this, but I understand and share your concerns. You are the mom and they cannot do this without your consent. So don't consent.

    We split all our vaccinations so that we'd get 2 shots and come back in a week for the other 2 shots. So my son tolerated his vaccinations better than most other babies I know, who got cranky or ran low-grade fevers.  

  9. well i had this conversation the other day and I too am having our little girls shots spaced out, just for the simple fact that all those shots that they give a baby is WAYYY to much for their little systems and i think should def. be spaced out! I'm going to find a doctor that will honor my decision and work with me and if i were you, i would be VERY upset with the nurses/doctors after you expressed your feelings about the shots..and like i said if the nurses are not listening to you, then i would switch to a doctor that will!!! Its your baby and its your way or no way! i think its pitiful how doctors are like BLAH BLAH give them their shots on time and don;t worry about, HAVE you read any stories about the kids who receive their MMR shots and they get sick and all the sudden Autism signs start to show..i don't care what anyone says..NO its hasn't been shown to cause Autism but think it plays a BIG ROLE but i hope i helped!!!


  10. My third baby had a reaction to his 4 month shots and his doctor dismissed it.  I insisted that he not get his 6 month shots.  When he was 12 months old she talked me into getting my little boy his 6 month shots and he had another reaction.  I'll never again let a doctor bully me into doing something I know could be harmful or that I'm not completely comfortable with.  

    Good for you for doing research.  I wish I had done so a long time ago, but by the time I did my baby had already suffered.  All I can say is stick to your guns and let them know that you won't change your mind.  If they pressure you or belittle you, find a different doctor.  (I'm still looking.)  

  11. "you need too relax.."

    kids get shots at an early age, why do you want to wait?

    the doctors know the time frame for shots.

    they wont just give them for the heck of it.

    if you dont like the nurses, find a new doctor.

  12. Well the reason why babies get vaccinated so early is bc if they contract any of those diseases at an early age they are less likely to survive since their immune systems are so young, that's why our western medicine vaccinates almost immediately.  Why run the risk of ur child contracting a preventable disease?  It's up to you though so if you really are against vaccines then switch doctors to one who is more flexible but you will def have to have ur child get all the vaccines b4 kindergarden.

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