
Just heard, Gareth Barry 17mill plus has just gone through, can anyone confirm it??

by  |  earlier

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Mate works for teamtalk and has just text me!!




  1. OHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO that means we are gona loose him what a sh** day this is turning out to be :-((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

  2. Well apparently has come from a Daily Mail journo and is on there online website. A Villa insider has denied it so its one of those has he or hasnt he. Have a feeling its probably true but will be suprised if anything concrete is confirmed before Liverpool return from Spain tomorrow after tonights game. I like Barry and think he will be an assett to Liverpool. However if the figures are true again like Keane alot of money to pay.

  3. I know I read that as well somwhere but I don't think it's true cos Sky News / Sky Sports News hav confirmed nothing. And Rafa said the other day cos they got Robbie Keane they hav no money left for any 1.

  4. sounds like a total waste of money.

  5. i dont think so just turned on sky sports news and they were talking about ben haim to man city.

  6. Probably not set in stone but I wouldn't be surprised if happens in the near future. Just read yesterday that Rafa hasn't give up his pursuit of Barry and that he has been selling players to raise funds for the players he's been after this transfer window...

  7. villa confirmed that barry is staying, it was on sky sports news,19528,1...


  8. Nothing confirmed I don't think!! Do liverpool even have that kind of money?? lol

  9. just heard on sky sports that villa have said on their site that barry is staying with them for the season after liverpool failed to meet their deadline!! barry for liverpool

  10. not yet mate  give it time  its only taken about forever

  11. I suspect that this is a lot of hot air made up by a lazy journalist with nothing to write about. - It saves them the bother of going out finding a proper story.

    Perhaps he should have phoned Inter Milan - the manager there is always good for a quote.

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