
Just heard Afterlife by Avenged Sevenfold, based on that song...?

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What can you guys reccomend me? I really like the old school guitar Solo, and I like that the song is relatively diverse. I've never heard one of their songs before, but how much will i like the rest of the album? And whats a good song of theirs should I try?




  1. that's my favorite song by them, and it's "the most shreddin solo on the album" (the words of their guitarist, synyster gates.)

    i think you'll really enjoy that whole album, and probably some stuff on city of evil.

  2. That album is their worst. I would suggest their album "City of Evil". You'll probably love the songs "Bat Country" and "Beast and the Harlot"!

  3. OMG the guitar in that song is s**y

    Bat Country is good and so is The Wicked End (both of which are on the album City of Evil) I haven't bought the new album  yet so I'm not quite sure about it but what i've heard from it is pretty sweet  

  4. I've never heard the rest of the album the only songs that i heard from it are "Almost Easy" and "Critical Acclaim", and they are both great songs. Most of their songs are very awesome.  I love Afterlife, i'm in love with the beigining of the song, in the album version, with the violin intro.  Also in the middle of the song where it has that orchestra like sound, i love tha cello part.  I'm also in love with the guitar solo.  And the lyrics are awesome.

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