
Just heard on Glenn Beck and Fox that the really bad smears against Sarah are paid bloggers by the Obama camp?

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How come Yahoo let so many horrible Q about incest stay and the little harmless Q were deleted?

I looked at the date these people opened their account and a lot of them were opened a couple of days ago!




  1. Cut and paste the worst one's and make the Obama camp read them; go to the bottom of his home page and hit "contact us" and just use the form.  Paste these hate filled messages in and let them read what their followers (and staffers) are doing.

  2. Which little harmless questions were deleted?  And if they were deleted, how do you know  about them?

  3. Glenn Beck and Fox News are both pro-mccain, of course they would say Obama is paying these bloggers.  

  4. If either one said it was raining I would go to the window and look. Believe anything those two say>>>>>you must be joking.

  5. Well if Glenn Beck and Fox News say it it must be true.

  6. Yep, and this surprises you?

  7. You really know a lot about a person by how they live their lives...are they in service, volunteering, being responsible for their actions, or hiding in the shadows, being devious, blaming everyone else.  

    McCain and Palin are the ones with integrity in this election.

  8. Actually it was the Daily Kos...and they had no proof that it was Obama or any of his supporters!  These same people blog for the KKK and White Supremacy groups.  Hey nothing like promoting internal fighting between the Dems and Reps.  Obama said that any of his people would be fired.

    I noticed that also, some tacky questions were asked by people with new accounts.    

    BTW...I think the media is fueling this with Palin's daughter.  It is not right...but they always do it!  

  9. Now you can taste the Obama plague.

  10. Maybe they should ask John McCain why his staff were the ones to leak the Bristol Palin story?

    Naw, that would require 3 seconds of responsible journalism. Too much to ask of Fox and Beck.

  11. There is no way that FOX, Glenn, Laura, Rush, Bill and other far right wingers are not paid by the RNC.

    This is also the same group that came down hard on Jamie Lyn Spears when she announced she was pregnant. But now someone they pays their salaries is involved and the family is worshiped as "heroes".  

  12. Yes, sadly politics is a dirty business.  

  13. My crazy, drunken neighbor says Palin is the anti-Christ, so there ya go.

  14. Yes. I had noticed that the number of Trolls making false and defamatory comments about Sarah Palin and her daughter has been way up over the last few days.

    It would not surprise me if Obama is paying them to do this and at the same time Obama is playing the part of the good guy.

    that is typical Chicago Politics. It is a con game where the con artist takes advantage of the victim or the "mark".

    In Chicago the victim of a con scheme is called a "mark"

    then the con artist pretends to be the good guy coming to the aid of the victim.

    this is called "cooling the mark out".

    In Chicago the "mark" is "cooled out"

    This is done so the "mark" cannot figure out who the con artist is that just swindled him.

    Although the con artist remains in plain sight and the victim often thinks that the con artist is his friend coming to his rescue.

    Welcome to the dirty world of Chicago Politics. Obama has made himself the personal property of the corrupt Chicago Political Machine.

  15. OMG Fox news is trashing Obama? Wow, that's really news! I can't believe it! You must be joking!

  16. TeeHee I'm loving it, the more they do it the more sympathy Sarah gets.  Also, with all this publicity there will probably be more people watch her speech tomorrow night than Obama the Supreme's

  17. Try again

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