
Just how advanced do you think aliens are?

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that includes technology and the rest.




  1. way ahead of us

  2. Well if they are really here, then they can't be to advanced.  Any one way more advanced than us on a lager scale wouldn't be interested in us.  They wouldn't waste the time unless we are less then a few thousand years apart in technology and of similar evolution.

  3. Um, they can get here and we can't get there.

    Thusly, they are far beyond us . . . .

  4. I would say ,that Aliens are far more advanced then us.They can also travel the speed of light.And they existed before humanity did.So their technology is most likely in a whole different league then ours.

  5. It is commonly depicted by movies and short stories that aliens would be far more advanced than us in technology and in the complexity of their society. Anyway, I can imagine that if there is ''intelligent'' life in another spot of the universe, there is the possibility that they are very similar to us in technology.. why not? Maybe they are still isolated in a far away galaxy.

  6. From what it seems, way beyond us...

  7. My personal hope would be much more advanced, to the point they know we are here from which ever far flung corner they abide and they are travelling for us now.... wouldn't it be amazing?

    It depends entirely on where they are - the age of their planet etc. they could be millions of years older than us and right at the edge of the galaxy so very far away we probably wont know in our lifetime.

    There might be the spark of life happening somewhere right now, which means that they will be able to multiply and evolve over thousands of generations and then the might almost resemble animals.

    Think of this though... quantum physics (for what very tiny amount I can grasp) seems to indicate that time occurs in different areas with different speed. I wont pretend to be able to tell you all about it, but imagine this new life form lived somewhere very fast - they could evolve so technologically advanced the would be like gods to us. But then is it possible to change the speed you live it, if they looked from their home to ours the might not see any movement at all and assume nothing is here.

    Oh no my brain is folding in on itself..... ☺

    Statistically speaking there should be all levels of advancement out there, our universe is so massive....

  8. Depends on how long they have had to evolve.  I would probably guess that most alien life, should it be discovered, would be in the form of primitive life such as bacteria and other multicellular organisms.  Just an educated guess.  Everything in the universe is based on evolution..whether it be life-forms or elements.  But the lowest form of evolution in any category tends to be the most abundent.  i.e. hydrogen and bacteria.  I believe the fact that we are intelligent life-forms makes us rather rare and special.

  9. There's really no good evidence they exist.I like to think there's life somewhere else.The truth is we don't know yet.If we do find out and they're anything like us.We are in big trouble.

  10. They showed the Egyptians how to stack blocks several thousand years ago.  Pretty smart I'd say.

  11. you are assuming they exist.

    Half of what we see as alien is the government black projects and the other half is weather and mind tricks.

    The only plausable theory of aliens on earth is that black holes exist here on Earth and are connected to white holes via worm holes. Aliens could be able to transverse wormholes, survive white hole expulsion and find the black hole to return to the wormhole base. Sounds like a lot of work just to spy on us.

  12. advanced enough  to keep us guesting,to simply wait it out because they dont have to destroy us...we are doing it are self.we are the hostiles,and would you stop in to just say "hi" to a bunch of immature children who's first thought about you is to shoot first an dissect later,without even trying to communicate?I'm sure just like us, there are good an bad aliens,with the typical power struggles of maintaining life.from my personal experience,an mean up close an personal....we are truly nothing more than what they see us as....spoiled children ruining the garden of Eden we have been given....blessed be

  13. My first guess would be that they are far more advanced than us. If we're working under the assumption that they have came here and visited earth, which I believe you are considering to be true, they must have the technology to do so. Since, as humans, we have only sent a man to our own moon and these aliens are probably from outside of the Milky Way galaxy, the assumption can be made that they are more capable of space flight.

    Then again, it is a possibility that we are more advanced in some areas. Humanity spreads out our research. Some will go to biology, psychology, physics, weapons research, medicine, space, and a multitude of other scientific diciplines. It is possible that this race has completely ignored some of these other facets of science and we are more advanced than them in these.

    So, to be honest, unless we actually make contact with them, we may never know.

  14. According to some religious and cultural prophecies there are claims of certain deities who will one day return. This may very well indicate their influence in different cultures over several centuries.

    I believe that they may have advanced enough to perfect their own form of immortality and cloning including artificial life forms or bodies, especially in regards to space travel. They may even have the ability to foresee the future and constantly manipulate it. Some of them  than can appear to be masking or covering up their true identity and origins.

    Science has finally realized  on our own planet that there are now some varying different species or life forms capable of evolving and surviving in what was originally believed to be inhospitable or non life supporting environments.This opens up even more possibilities on various other planets as well.

    I can't help but wonder if these alleged aliens or visitors have tried to coexist with our species before and realized our prejudices were just too strong.

    We can only guess as to why  we haven't yet had more open and obvious contacts. It suggests to me that they still prefer anonymity, especially if there are only a handful of them visiting us.

  15. Since we have never seen or observed an alien, how could we know? Certainly if they are visiting us they are far more advanced than we are, but there is no credible evidence for visitation yet.

  16. At a guess...  I reckon they tie their own shoelaces..

  17. why is it that in the last 60 years human beings have made more advances and major jumps in technology than we have in our whole existence. isn't it unusual that it was only like 50 years ago we started coming up with more technological inventions than what our ancestors could in 200 years previous life. and is it just a coincidence that all these advances happen just after the area 51 and American government hiding UFOs controversies come out. yet even though we are extremely advanced beings when it comes to technology, why is it that on a moral standpoint we are so backwards. we still kill other humans, declare war on nations and decimate our earth environment. yet we invented i pod minis to share music. humans are not an advanced moral race, only in technology, which half the time is used to be more unmoral. aliens are extremely advanced, to the point where our scientists and physics cannot begin to understand. and not only are their technologies advanced but also their morals. you will never see advanced aliens killing one another. you cannot  completely obtain advancement until you are advanced in all of life matters as a species.

  18. interstellar beings are definitely by far more advance than we are,at least in space-traveling technology,however about the rest ,that is kind of difficult to map out,at least for the moment

  19. As the Universe goes I would venture a guess, that some would be well advanced and some not as advanced. Thats a guess of course.

    Man as he stands right now has not advanced really in thousands of years. We got new gadgets, and can build really cool stuff but man has not advanced.

    Most of the world still run their respective countries like they did during the Roman times over 2000 years ago. Just changed the names. Doing the same thing taxing people to further what ever power that is there instead of furthering mankind as a whole.

    Honestly it wouldn't take much to get beyond our stage in the game.

    But again, I would guess some are well beyond us , some around us and some not as advanced as us.

  20. we dont know if their their is any alien or not

    if we suppose their is  any alien......

      they have never come to we can say alian is beyond us

  21. They cant be too advanced, the border patrol continually rounds them up and sends them back to mexico.

  22. First you have to accept the premise that extraterrestrial aliens exist.  If they do exist they could be as simple as single-cell organisms or as complex as (or more complex than) humans.  If they are the latter, then there is no evidence to suggest they are telepathic enough to be able to find this little blue speck of a planet we live on.

  23. Well there are two possibilities.

    One they are advanced enough to know to stay away from us.

    Two the are not advanced enough to find us.

  24. Kris

    This depends on exactly which of the alien species you are speak of !  If it is of the most common of the species that are encountered on earth -- these are known as the "grays" and they have been on EARTH for nearing 17,000 years --- pictographs of them can be clearly seen on cave walls dating from some 12,000 years back !

    They had technology and ability from a considerable time before this ---  for by the time they arrived here -- they had spread out throughout the universe by means of extremely advanced transport / lifesupport and had operated effieciently in many hostile envoirnments for what could easily be a half million years !!

    So, when you're speaking of advances --- we haven't got the ability to comprehend the advancements that they find commonplace !!

    They DO love to "tamper", however and seem to be working a very long range "plan" of sorts that keeps them from actually being involved in what WE would call "hands on" within our everyday affairs !!  But, they are constantly keeping tabs on us --- and, for whatever reason -- surface from time to time (their stealth technology is an apex covert tool) --- mess with a few people -- then simply --- go !!

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