
Just how dangerous is a Cesarean section??

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What are the dangers, what can go wrong?




  1. It is major surgery so there are always some risks.  However, it is so widely done that for major surgery the risks are very small.  The biggest risk is after surgery.  With surgery especially c-section there is a risk for developing a blood clot after wards.  This is generally avoided by the patient walking a little as much as possible in the first few days and weeks.  If you are at higher risk for a clot (weight, family history, smoking, or a genetic condition) they can give you special boots to wear while in bed.  These help with your circulation when you sleep and rest.  Also if necessary they can put you on blood thinners.

  2. It is a major surgery so everything that can go wrong in any operation room is a risk factor. A lot of women say they aren't all that bad though and if you work, can recover quite quickly.  

  3. check out this site for some answers about the procedure and here for possible complications but if you are going to need a c section remember yes it is major surgery and yes the recovery time is worse than with vaginal births but many women have them every day and are just fine

  4. There are a few things that can go wrong, but the worst is bleeding out.  I had my first daughter naturally and I expected to have my second the same way.  After 3 days of labor and induction methods failing, they gave us an emergency c-section.  It was very quick and easy, but the pain of standing up the first time afterward was as bad as labor.  C-sections are fairly common now and have pretty much been perfected so that the dangers are minimal. is a wonderful website to visit for information.

  5. There are risks with every form of childbirth, it's best to talk to your doctor about them. I am having one next Thursday and have scheduled an appointment on Tuesday for an information session, etc.

    My doc told me she preforms about 20 c-sections a month. It's getting more and more popular.

  6. I've had two.It is a major surgery so there are a number of things and scary things that could happen.I had easy recoveries but it really depends on the person

  7. you will be fine these days technology and every1 has C sections these days Try not to worry

  8. There are risks with every surgery, of course, but c-sections are very safe, particularly since you are not under general anesthesia when it happens (except in very rare cases), but an epidural. There are also risks with vaginal child birth. They are all very minimal if you receive good medical care.

  9. I am about to have my second one in a few days. You can get infections, I may have to get a hysterectomy if anything goes wrong, and worst of all death. But that is about the same as any major surgery.

    The chances of any of that happening are VERY slim to none. So don't worry if you need one. I'm not trying to terrify you, just telling you what my doctor told me.

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