
Just how far DOES infinity go forward, and backwards for that matter?

by  |  earlier

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Is the distance between our stars the same distance between our atoms, relatively speaking? Is that pressure between us dark matter?




  1. Infinity goes on forever. Literally, there is no end to it, and humans can have a hard time grasping that concept. Because ∞/2 is still ∞, and so on.

    Relatively speaking, everything is the same. An atom consists mostly of empty space, even in the densest materials.

    Dark matter hasn't been proven as of yet, but it is entirely possible.

  2. ...errrr my heads gonna blow up! i cant think of a reasonable view so ill just say...takes one to know one!...

    NO I dontthink it does move..infity doesnt the stuff within it does! we dont know where 90 percent of the univers is or what it is for that matter!

  3. ()()

    the infinity symbol is similar to a flat double helix, the movements are identical and easier to grasp in 3-d. but it's two flows that twist around each other and flow in opposite directions (thus it moves backwards and forwards without changing)

    i cannot make the link you have between dark matter and pressure unless you consider soemthing exists outside of existence which it cannot. i too i am intrigued by sub atomic particles that do not exist continually in time and seem to prefer if to exist - why they don't eixst and then do is and how t define better that non-'existing' potential to exist could turn out to be very important in our furute understanding of what our universe is

  4. Anything that exists is finite. Anything that is finite has a beginning. Anything that has a beginning has an end. Since the universe exists, it had to have had a beginning. If it had a beginning, it's going to have an end. The concept of infinity is not possible in the physical limitations of the universe.

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