
Just how high is gas going to go anyway? I live in Central Florida and a week ago my gas was $4.47 per gal.?

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This is outrageous!




  1. It is $4.00 per gallon here in th bay is crazy!

  2. Apparently its not high enough yet!!  People just keep on buying ( or charging) much gets burned just for recreational use???  Think how much we could cut consumption if we used gas/diesel only for work and emergency vehicles etc...I think a great way to ration it would be sell it for cash only.....if you dont have any money to buy it and then stay home

  3. Ours right now in North Texas is $3.75 per gallon.  The news was saying yesterday that if oil gets to $200 a barrel then gas will be $7.00 per gallon.

    Yet the oil companies are reporting record profits.......

  4. Find alternative methods or quit complaining. It wiil go as high as it can before countries cut back, and then Saudi Arabia will stick to that price.

  5. I heard $6-$7 a gallon before it will start to go back down but then another person on the show said it could eventually get to $15 or more a gallon before all is said and done!! Don't know what to believe except it is ridiculous but apparently there is a shortage and too high demand.

  6. It'll go up as high as it wants to unless the american people do something about it.

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