
Just how long & complicated is it to leave an international airport on a layover?

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Layover layover layover questions.....I have 12 hours in Taipei---and I'll be arriving around 8:30 at night. How long does it usually take to get through customs to get outside AND then come back in? Is it too much of a hassle? All I want to do is take a taxi downtown, look around a few hours and then come back--but if it's too much of a hassle then I'll just stay at the airport...




  1. You have enough time to look around the city.

  2. 12 hours is a good amount of time to see some stuff and to get a meal and shop.

    It probably would take 1/2 hour to 45 to get through customs depending on the lineup. All you need is your passport. the wait for your baggage etc may delay you a bit. you can check in your bags at the airport. Ask a service desk person or cleaner or policeman or even the customs guys where you can find lockers to keep your bags during your layover.

    then you go to the bus depot get a ticket to Taipei Central Station. From there pick one point you want to visit (likely 101 and the mall with it.) Take the MRT to there. Its labeled in English. Get onto the street level, look for 101, its hard to miss, being the tallest building in the world... well at least until the Burj is done anyways.

    spend about 3 to 5 hours around there, then plan to backtrack 4 hours or 5 hours before your flight, so you have time to be lost. Buy a bus ticket. Get back. Get your bags. Check your bags. Go through security again. Get to your airplane lounge. Get on your plane. done!

    you can always ask a person at the airport to write the chinese for CKS airport on a card for you, so even if you DO get lost you can hop into a cab and pay him to take you there. It should be less than 2000NT. I believe its a 1/2 hour to 1 hour ride from Taipei, depending on your location and traffic that day.

  3. You will have to go through the full Taiwanese customs and immigration process. Between 1/2 hour to never. Then remember that CKS is a very long way from downtown Taipei. The cost of the cab ride may astound you. Allow 2 hours each way. Then coming back you will have to go through security all over again. Taiwan has tough customs and security people. And with such a short stay in Taipei they will suspect you of drug smuggling. Taiwan executes drug smugglers.

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