
Just how long will it take before the US Press...

by Guest21496  |  earlier

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...finally releases the oral suction from Brett Favre's k**b?

Seriously, I don't think I can take another decade of this. People complained when it was Manning or Brady the sycophantic sports press was schlobbering, but the Favre-fellating takes the effing cake. What if Brett gave another press conference, and nobody came? (Double entendre quite intended).




  1. as long as it takes you to lose the suction to your momma's nipple.

    EDIT* Why? does it make you mad that he loves the game and has fun playing it? You cant blame Brett for all of the media mess. If you were to blame anyone balme the media and Thompson. Thompson is the only one who made this big of a deal about it. Brett wasnt about to back down because thats not what he does. and i dont see him backing down at all.

    EDIT** dude.... the way your talking about him you sound like he killed your family or something... whats your problem? your weird.

  2. They will be on his k**b until the day he dies because he will still be playing football in a wheelchair and air tank...

    Will the man RETIRE ALREADY!!!???

  3. i agree.  favre has turned into a big attention w***e.

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