
Just how old is vicky leyton aka sticky vicky in benidorm?

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I know she has been around for ever, and contains her own black hole, but how old is she, and whilst we are on it, how oldd is her daughter s**y barbara, and was she really once a boy?




  1. Guest11006

     I was in Benidorm in March this year and watched sticky Vicky in the red lion, she must be nearly eighty now and it's totally degrading and a freak show!!!

  2. She is still working and so is the fake one... also her daughter does a show with added bits...

  3. s**y Barbara registered the name Sticky Vicky but she is not the real sticky Vicky - in a court ruling the real sticky Vicky (now aged 65!) has finally got her name back - read this here:

  4. s**y Barbara registered the name Sticky Vicky but she is not the real sticky Vicky - in a court ruling the real sticky Vicky (now aged 65!) has finally got her name back - read this here:

  5. I can tell you that in 2000 s**y Barbara stripped full for me (during her routine), then stripped me, bit my a**e and took my c**k in her mouth in front of loads of my mates! She's all (gorgeous) woman and always has been. That stupid rumour is just that, stupid! Unfortunately for me, I couldn't then perform in front of the crowd but, I would love a one-on-one with s**y Barbara! John C.

  6. vicky leyton was born in april 1945

  7. she's as old as she feels and twice as old as king neptune's d**k!!!!

  8. Hey I saw Sticky Vicky 25 years ago in Benidorm, I was only 12 at the time and it still scars me now!!

  9. Demaria's website says she is 26 years old

  10. Vicky is 66 but she has been that age for the last few years so no one really knows. s**y Barbara is not her Daughter just one of the many rip off acts that go around benidorm her real daughter is Damaria Leyton not sure how old she is though

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