
Just how terrible are my SAT scores?

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I got my SAT scores back quite a while ago, but I guess I didn't pay too much attention to them. Now I'm desperately searching for the right college, and I'm afraid that my SAT scores might not be too great, and that it will prevent me from getting into a good college.

So... is a total of 1,750 bad? Good? Just how bad/good is it? I don't care if you're harsh, I just want some very honest opinions.

Thank you




  1. This is a good score, and any college should accept you.  

  2. It's well above average and will help you get into most of the colleges in the US under the top 50.

  3. Go to the yahoo home page and type in average SAT scores, they will break down the average score for each section in reference to age, gender, ethnicity, etc.  

  4. It's an above average score.  It certainly won't get you into an ivy leauge school and second - tier schools may be troublesome.  Anything else will be fine.  If you can retake it try to get closer to the mid 1800s to 1900s

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