
Just in case you didn't know, media doesn't cover the story much?

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But Sidney Crosby plays for the Pittsburgh Penguins.

Is he any good?

What are his stats like?




  1. The Unofficial Biography:

    Sidney Crosby is a folk singer and founder of the band Crosby, Stills, and Nash, mayor of Pittsburgh, sponsor for "facial Rogaine", and Chief of the Mounties.  He also plays in the NHL in his spare time.  Crosby is known in the NHL for holding the record for the Player Currently Having the Most Teeth.  The NHL has stopped keeping stats on Crosby as he is projected to score more goals in his NHL career than the human brain can comprehend.  There are many legends about Sidney Crosby.  One of which includes accounts of him skating on a pond...which was not yet frozen and another which claims his slapshot contains more force than a Chuck Norris roundhouse.

  2. Sidney Cosby is Bill Cosby's Nephew  and he plays pee-knuckle for the Texas Canadians.

  3. Sidney Crosby is good, but he's not going to be Zetterberg, Datsyuk, Lidstrom, & Osgood.   The Wings are gonna with their 11th cup!

  4. Cindy Crosby is a good player. Certainly not the best, nor will he be. OOps, I made a typo. I meant Sidney, not Cindy.

  5. He's the towel boy isn't he?

    As far as being any good, he can wash and fold 'em w/ the best!

    Stats: 327 towels /hour - a new team record!!

  6. Oh, that guy? He blows! Georges Laraque is the true star!

  7. No, no, you've got it all mixed up!

    The Pittsburgh Penguins play for Sidney Crosby.

  8. he plays for the pittsburgh crosby's

  9. I thought he played for the Marlies? If the media would cover him more I would have known he in fact does play for the Penguins.

  10. If Gary Bettman was a Catholic Priest and Sidney Crosby was an alterboy; you know what they would be doing!!!!

  11. I thought that guy was trying out for the Olympics. Spring Board I think.

  12. I thought he retired already. He turned out to be greater than Howe, Gretzky, and Lemieux, and won every Hart, Conn Smythe, Lady Byng, and Art Ross Trophy that could be won. And for good measure, they awarded him the Norris and Vezina Trophies, while officially renaming the Stanley Cup, the Stanley Cup Sponsored By Sidney Crosby.

  13. Crosby is an excellent player when he plays against other teams that r all finesse like his team is, but Red Wings r not quite that type team, they will be hitting him all series long especially McCarty, Drake and Kronwall which will make him go back on the IR and be out for the playoffs and he'll realize that this isn't the Pee-Wee Herman Hockey League he's playing in anymore

  14. lol. good question to wake up to.

    i think you mean the pens pay sidney crosby to be on their team.

    and not only is he second par to such rising stars from the soo like tyler kennedy, but the cros is also the best thing to happen to Tim Horton's who currently shell out many timbits as form of payment for his commercials. this is the same organization (love them) who fired a worker a week ago for giving a kid a free timbit. there's too many injustices in the world.

    and he's currently being payed millions up the wazoo from RBK (? i don't know them, i just wear their shoes), and Gatorade...but he gets a break from Mario and gets to live in a mansion rent free (criminal).

    his stats so far are 0-1 because he's going to be knocked out by the power of drapers beared...while sidney runs away with his ministache.

    Jared G great references. i'm not sure that you didn't defile crosby, stills, nash with that reference. hey, crosby, stillman, nasher...all hockey players. lol. i'm easily entertained.

    anyways hahahaa about the yellow gatorade. maybe he has a rare unknown case of north american must suck to be evgen gen, he's older than sidney, but he certainly acts like a kid sometimes, and he lives in a kid's shadow. literally. pens & puns are great.

  15. I love how Malkin comes along and is just as good if not better, and they're still like......uh, SIDNEY CROSBY SIDNEY CROSBY!!!!!

  16. Very sneaky! You're insinuating that there are OTHER players who play hockey...

    I'm not stupid. I watch TV and I see all the NHL ads... trust me, not only is Sidney Crosby the best player playing on the best team, he's the ONLY player on the ONLY team in the NHL. Though I once saw a guy called Oreckskin or something... not completely sure, but he's probably playing in Latvia now anyway.

  17. crosby oh he's just this one guy....who cant grow a stache

  18. Who is this Crosby and what is his mothers maiden name?

  19. If you want full stats go to

    Is he any good... well yes he is a decent player.. but he isnt even close to being a Hall of famer.. he has lots of years yet to prove his worth... Starting saturday he is going to have his toughest challenge this year.. the wings (my fav team) and The wIngs are a very agressive team.. they like to rough young guys like him up... there is alot of better players though.. personally i think zetterberg is better than him.. and ovechkin is also better. so overall hes a Mediocre player.

  20. Who is Sidney Crosby?

  21. I like Crosby; i think he's underrated and stuck living in the shadow of players like Rory Fitzpatrick and Martin Brodeur

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