
Just interested in knowing how many of you......?

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believe in secret societies like the bilderbergs, illuminati, bohemian grove, the NWO, etc. Do they really have a plan for a one world government? Is the government building camps to throw its citizens in case there might be a police state or martial law? How many out there believe there is credible evidence about these happenings?




  1. Not yet. That will be in Obama's People's Republic.

  2. I believe in secret societies...

  3. While your question brings to light a small segment of the people, they have a track record of being more right than wrong, odd as it may seem.

    It is however a long process that often doesn't come to light until long after the fact has become so much forgotten history.

    While the government is the current topic of most conspiracy theories, it used to involve big companies and their owners, organized crime and the various factions that immigrants brought with them.

    One that I enjoy from the past concerned the agents that were placed by n**i Germany in various parts of the USA to disrupt our supplies to Russia prior to and after the USA became involved in World War 2. Once these agents were discovered the American government recruited them to become part of the new CIA working against Communist Russia after the war ended. It was not until 2000 that this conspiracy theory was proved to be correct but it ran rampant for several years during the 1940's and 1950's and was denied by the Government.

  4. You are asking this question to the most intelligent and enlightened nation the face of the earth has ever seen.

    At this point no conspiracy theory would surprise me.

  5. I don't know anyone who believes any of that, except maybe, Dennis Kucinich.

  6. I believe in most of that, though the evidence to support it is limited. I feel just by instinct people should be able to open their eyes and see that something isn't right and that these things are all totally possible. A lot of Americans are so smothered with other things in their lives to distract them from the truth, that they just believe what they hear on TV and what other people just as brainwashed say. If people spent half as much time researching laws, history, and government, as they do shopping, and watching TV they might pick up on some of it. And then there is the awesome social stigma regarding conspiracy and thinking against what your told. When did it become crazy to question something you're told? Anyone who thinks the government might not be telling the whole truth is automatically labeled a "conspiracy nut job" Last I checked all people are capable of lying, and the the government is made up of PEOPLE, so why wouldn't they lie too? They're capable of the same lies and deceit as everyone else. But i digress. Yes I believe in that mostly, but no one can know for sure what they discuss in the secret meetings except them.

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