
Just laid off...what should I do??

by Guest60832  |  earlier

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I'm 30 years old and I was laid off a month ago. I was doing call center support work for 10 years for a telelcummunication company (comcast)! I'm starting to get depressed because the economy is really bad and unemployment rate has been the highest and 12 years. I don't know what route to take (go back to school; stay in the same industry; start my on business). I don't know. Just wanted to know your thoughts. It may give me some insight.




  1. That sucks, sorry to hear that. If I were you, I would stay in the same industry and go back to school part-time. Might not be a good idea to start a business right now with the way things are going.

  2. The best answer I can give you right now is make money online.

    Lots of people are doing it now and that includes me.

    I've tried a lot of internet money making systems before and didn't make anything. BUT, I signed up for SpiderWeb Marketing System about 2 weeks ago, and I was surprised that I started making money for real.

    This system is TOTALLY FREE and it's the BEST system out there right now.

    I know that you are probably skeptical about this but if you take 5 minutes and check out my blog, you will soon see that it is FOR REAL

    and you won't regret it.

    good luck!!

  3. i would keep searching

  4. i say it is not the end of the world yet..if something is lost, a much better is coming..always believe in this..who knows there might be a better opportunity coming along the can find another job..who knows you might get  a much higher salary than with your previous job..good luck!!

  5. The first thing I would do is go on a 3 day drinking bender.

    After that - it will all work out................

  6. I'm sorry and I know that doesn't help the way you are feeling.  Remember you are not alone and many others have "gone" before you.  Don't sit around and become depressed... been there... done that.  In fact a short time before I left my last position, one of the VPs was let go as well, unfortunately, his depression caused his death.  It can become very serious fast if you're not careful.  Start by getting your resume updated and working the internet sites.  Try or Yahoo.  Look into schools that provide job placement opportunities.  

    You have your youth and energy going for you.  Don't drop the need for a regular paycheck to start your own business.  In this economy now is not the time to "take a big step" but you do have the time to do research.

  7. hey don't sweat it! your only 30. collect your unemployment benefits, go on a bender, and kive it up for what's left of the summer. you deserve a break and trust me it's all down hill after 30. pretty soon your too old to enjoy a extended holiday, also when collecting benefits and coming near the time they expire, they will offer you training in fields with great potential. make the most of a bad thing, enjoy an extended holiday, then get paid, free training, in a marketable field.

  8. Don't get down on yourself. Your still young and something will come up. If you have any thing you are good at, it might be a good time to start your own biz(plenty of time). Make sure you sign up for unemployment however to hold you over.  

  9. do what you got to do.  I am sure there are other companies that are hiring for voice applied jobs.  Just keep looking and maybe also look into on line degree programs...most colleges have on line programs so it will not interfere with your are never too old to return to school.

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